Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

like 'how did you do that?' and they are like
'well I don't know, I just put it out there
and it just started to happen' and you are
like, 'ah that’s not very helpful.'

So, what I did... I am basically a nerd, like a
self-help nerd from way back... and so I re-
ally wanted to break it down, really step-by

  • step so that people... just regular average
    everyday people, like you and me could use
    what they are doing, and
    the only way to do that
    though is to understand
    what they are doing and
    explain it in a way that an-
    ybody can use.

So basically, the reason
that they call me the Pow-
er Habit’s Mentor is be-
cause many people have
come to me after spending tens of thou-
sands of dollars with everybody else, all
the big-name gurus, all the famous dudes,
and yet they are still stuck. Then they come
to me, and they follow my formula and
then they get unstuck. So, they start to
make a lot more money. We have had cli-
ents who have gotten their first books pub-
lished after many, many years of trying.
People who have lost weight, we have
saved marriages, or people have found
their soul-mate. So, it’s really, real exciting
when you see people use these power hab-
its, really in all areas of life.

Neil: So, your ability to create that effect
where others have not, is that down to
the fact that you have managed to break
things down in to simpler terms that are

easy to understand and to follow? Is that
what you are doing?

Noah: I think so, that’s what my clients say.
And one of the reasons that I did this was
because I was very frustrated you know
with having spent all this money myself. So,
I was in exactly the same boat, and I ended
up $40,000 in debt, you know working out
of my parents' basement, after going
through all these pro-
grammes. So, I know what
it’s like to spend all this
money, invest all this time
and effort, and yet not get
the results.

So that's when I said
'listen I have got to just fix
this myself, I have got to
come up with the solu-
tion, if nobody else is going to. And so
that’s what I did, I was able to do it and
then, and then turn that around, and then
in less than two years was able to build a
multi-million-dollar online business. And of
course, pay off all my debts, work, buy my
own home, so I am getting out of my par-
ents’ basement and all that kind of a thing.
And I met the love of my life also, you
know my beautiful wife Babette, using this
very system, so really, I am the poster child
for... if I can do it, then anybody can do it.

Neil: And in your bio you also mentioned
your book of ‘afformations’. How im-
portant are ‘afformations’ for people?

Noah: Well they are really huge, and the
reason for that is... and by the way, we are

“I invented a method,
a system, or a
formula called
‘afformations’ which
is using empowering
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