Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

using a new word here, it’s ‘afformations’
not ‘affirmations.’ I am sure most people
have used or have heard the term affirma-
tions which is a statement of something
you want to be true. I invented a method,
a system, or a formula called ‘afformations’
which is using empowering questions.

So, what I determined and realised is that
those naturals, those highly successful peo-
ple, those unconsciously successful people,
one of the things they are doing is they are
asking really empowering questions. Like
'how come this is so easy for me? Why am
always in the right place at the right time?'
When you ask empowering questions,
what happens is your mind starts to work
and give you empower answers. Which of
course leads to really great solutions in
your life. And so, the point is that many
people have said that using ‘afformations’
for them, was really one of the keys to
turning their life around, even after they
have tried everything else.

Neil: And just one other thing that you
talked about in your bio it was unlimited
potential. I think there is a lot of people
that actually limit themselves, through
their own thinking, don't they? So, where
does unlimited potential come from for
somebody who is holding themselves
back with their own limited thinking?

Noah: Well this is kind of a double-edged
sword Neil because everybody and their
brother, talks about your unlimited poten-
tial and unlocking it and that, and that kind
of thing. So, on the one hand that’s good,
but on the other hand, people get very

frustrated by that because of course they
feel very limited. And it’s like, 'well you
keep talking about my unlimited potential,
how come I am stuck? How come I feel lim-
ited? How come I can't access it?' And so
that’s very, very frustrating. And I remem-
ber that feeling very, very well, you know
just hearing all these motivational speak-
ers, talk about this and go 'this is not help-
ing.' You know, so it’s even more frus-

So, what I like to do, is really just lay it out
very step-by-step, very systematically and
say listen, your life is really determined by
your habits. But it really gets more specific
than that. There are two kinds of habits,
what I call the inner-game habit’s and the
outer-game habits.

So, your inner-game are the things that
you cannot see directly but they affect eve-
rything in your life, your thoughts, your
emotions, your priorities, your priorities,
decision, things you cannot see directly,
but you see the effects of them.

But then the out-game are the things that
you can see directly, your everyday habits,
you know what you are doing, your life-
style, the systems you have in your busi-
ness and so on.

So, it’s only when you master your inner-
game and your outer-game habits, that’s
when success happens, you have to have
both. And where I see a lot of entrepre-
neurs struggling, is either they are doing or
focusing on only one or the other, or they
really just do not have the systems for ei-
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