Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

ther one.

Neil: You have written ten books, but how
else do you make money from what you
do? I mean it’s obvious from the books
how you make money, but how do you
make money from the other things that
you do?

Noah: Well listen, for those folks who have
been doing this for a while or even if you
are brand new at it, there is not a lot of
money in books. I mean just to be very
blunt, the most that a book makes is, you
know you can charge about $20, maybe for
a hard cover book, maybe, $25. And out of
that... I have done self-publishing and I
have also done it with the big New York
Publishers, I have done it all in terms of
book publishing... but either way, it takes a
lot, you have to sell a lot of books. You
know when you are with a publisher, you
are getting a royalty of maybe a dollar 80
cents out of that twenty dollars. So, you
have to sell a heck of a lot of books to
make any money. In fact, even just to make
a living.

So, what I learned many years ago is that
you have got to have other products. And
for me it’s been the digital online products.
I really love digital products. Most of our
products, our programmes, courses are de-
livered online now. And as I said earlier,
what is so exciting is that for me as the
teacher, the mentor, the coach, I get to
touch peoples' lives and transform lives all
around the planet. You know people who
could never or never would have heard of
me otherwise.

And that person on the other end, they do
not have to wait for a book to be shipped
to them, and wait for all those different
costs or what have you. So digital and
online programmes are awesome and love
them and it’s really, really exciting. And
frankly you can charge more for them be-
cause what happens like in... we have a
course called 'Power Habit’s Academy'
where I teach the power habit system, I
have got a programme called 'Six-Figure
Business Machine', where I teach you how
to put your online courses up... so the
point is that because you are getting time
with me, you are getting like for example
group calls, and there is videos and stuff
like that, that go with it, you know I can
charge more for it, and the perceived value
is much higher for the student. And so, it’s
really a win-win-win, everybody wins and it
is a way to, you don't make that or have
that six or seven figure online business.

Neil: What do you enjoy most about what
you do Noah?

Noah: I enjoy transforming lives, that gets
me very, very happy. And when I read sto-
ries people write to me on social media, on
my Facebook page, or they send me
emails, about how my work has changed
their lives, the transformations that they
are having. Like people going from making
$5,000 dollars a month to making $75,000
dollars a month. People who were really
out of work and now they have got a six-
figure income. People publish their first
book, finding love, losing weight, I mean
just all across all spectrums, you know
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