Mentors Magazine: Issue 3

(MENTORSMagazine) #1

that’s where I really help people, because
if you think about it, where aren't your
habit’s affecting you? They affect every-

So, what I enjoy most is reading those
transformational stories and knowing that I
am having that ripple effect on the world
and of course that ripple effect just keeps
going and going, as those people continue
to change lives themselves.

Neil: And what is it that drives you?

Noah: What drives me is
wanting more of that. Ha
ha. I want more transfor-
mation. I want more im-
pact around the world,
you know as I mentioned,
we have that mission to
help 10,000 small business
owners, double their per-
formance and profits, I
would like to see a
100,000 and a million
small business owners you know, doubling
their performance and profits. So, wherev-
er we hit, we are going to just keep grow-
ing and growing.

So, what drives me is really to transform
more and more lives around the planet
and to raise the consciousness to the
earth. I think certainly we all know this is a
crucial time in the earth's history and in
humanity history. And you know I would
like to be a part of that and to be as big a
part of that as I can.

Neil: So, when you are not driving for
more and more and more how do you re-
lax when you are not working in your

Noah: My wife and I like to go to the mov-
ies. I enjoy just going and enjoying a good
movie, I also like to go ballroom dancing
with my wife. We enjoy ballroom dancing.
That’s actually our first date, I took her
dancing and swept her off her feet, which
is great. So, for all the men out there, hus-
bands or single guys, definitely use danc-
ing, go dancing with your spouse, your sig-
nificant other because be-
lieve me your wife will
have a big, big smile on
your face and you will
score major points, believe

Neil: Do you have any en-
trepreneurial role mod-

Noah: My role model for
getting in to this industry was the late Dr
Stephen Covey who wrote ‘The Seven Hab-
its of Highly Effective People.’ Now I had
the opportunity, the privilege of interview-
ing Dr Covey actually twice before he sadly
passed away a couple of years ago and he
is really my role model because he was ex-
actly as you would want Stephen Covey to
be when I had the privilege of speaking
with him you know one-on-one and inter-
viewing him. He was humble, he was bril-
liant, he was wise, I mean he was like Yoda,
and it was like wow, just to have a person
like that, that I was able to meet even for a

“what drives me is
really to transform
more and more lives
around the planet and
to raise the
consciousness to the
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