You South Africa – 22 August 2019

(Jeff_L) #1


O THE outside world she
seems to have it all: beauty,
brains, a happy marriage,
a gorgeous son and a suc-
cessful Hollywood career.
But actress Anne Hatha-
way (36) has real-person
problems too, the biggest of
which is something many women can
relate to: the struggle to conceive.
The Oscar winner, who recently went
public with the news of her second preg-
nancy, has opened up for the first time
about her own battle to have a baby.
“I think we [as a society] have a one-
size-fits-all approach to getting preg-
nant,” she said at an event to promote
her new Amazon Prime anthology series,
Modern Love. “You get pregnant and for
the majority of cases this is a really happy
time. But for a lot of people who are try-
ing to get pregnant, that’s not really the
story – or that’s one part of the story.
“And the steps that lead up to that part
ofthestoryarereallypainfuland isolating



Like many stars, Anne Hathaway has

struggledtogetpregnant– andshe’sno

afraidtotalkabout it COMPILEDBYNICIDEWET

andfullofself-doubt.I wentthroughthat.”
Anne, who has a three-year-old son,
Jonathan, with her husband, jewellery
designer Adam Shulman (38), broke her
silence on her fertility issues when she
announced the news of her second preg-
nancy on Instagram recently.
The picture shows Anne proudly dis-
playing her baby bump along with the
caption, “It’s not for a movie... #2.”
But then she gets serious. “All kidding
aside, for everyone going through infer-
tility and conception hell, please know it
was not a straight line to either of my
pregnancies. Sending you extra love.”
Being mindful of how her pregnancy
post might make others feel, she adds, “I
was just aware of the fact that when it
came time to post that I was pregnant,
somebody was going to feel even more
isolated because of it. And I just wanted
them to know they have a sister in me.”


afraidtotalkaboutitt COMPILEDBYNICIDEWET

h d th I t th t h


18 | 22 AUGUST 2019^
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