You South Africa – 22 August 2019

(Jeff_L) #1

“I’vehada roller-coasterride with
fertility,” the Aussie actress told
Australia’s 60 Minutes. “It’s never
been easy for me.”
Nicole (52) has battled infertility
most of her adult life and, has “done
all the stuff you can possibly do to
try get pregnant”, as she puts it.
During her first marriage to actor
Tom Cruise (now 57) she struggled
to conceive and the couple eventu-
ally adopted Isabella (now 26) and
Connor (24). Nicole suffered an
ectopic pregnancy during the
marriage and a miscarriage in the
last months of the union in 2001.
The Big Little Lies star tried
again to get pregnant after marry-
ing Australian singer Keith Urban
(now 51) in 2006 and after several
rounds of IVF their daughter
Sunday was born in 2008 – the
child Nicole called “the miracle of
my life”. Their second daughter,
Faith, was born via a surrogate in
2011 after IVF failed.
Nicole was 43 by then, and under-
going IVF when you’re over the age
of 40, especially if using your own
eggs, is known to have a lower
chance of success.


‘Anyone who’s been in the place of wanting a child knows

the disappointment, the pain and the loss you go through

trying and struggling with fertility’

Talent judge is undergoin

  • and has a No 1 supporte
    husband Brooks Laich(3
    The ice hockey playerh
    hailed his wife as a warrio
    going through the treatm
    which she started shortly
    before she turned 30
    last July. Since then, the
    couple have gone public
    about their IVF experi-
    ence and received an
    outpouring of support.
    Julianne is unable to
    fall pregnant naturally
    because of severe endo-
    The Dirty Grandpa
    star says her ultimate
    mission is to maintain
    a public dialogue and
    spread positivity to
    any one going through
    something similar.
    “I have nothing to be
    ashamed of. I’m here to
    debunk beliefs that there’s
    something wrong with
    you or that you can’t do

TheBritishactresswasone of
the earliest advocates of fertili-
ty treatment, opening up about
her two miscarriages and subse-
quent IVF treatment during her
fourth marriage, to US actor and
producer James Keach (now 71).
Jane was 45 when she wel-
comed twin sons John and
Kristopher in 1995.
“It wasemotionallya major
roller coaster,”TheKominsky

Method star says. “I tell anyone
who tries to do it that on paper
it looks easy, but in reality it’s
hard. I had pre-eclampsia, which
often happens when you have
a late pregnancy. But the boys
turned out great.”
Jane (68) detailed her inferti-
lity journey in her 2001 book,
Two at a Time: Having Twins –

20 | 22 AUGUST 2019^




‘We got our happy ending,

which was all that matters’

‘I think the more I’m

open, the more

therapeutic it is for

me and the more it

helps somebody

else who sees

themselves in me

feel understood

and heard’

er in
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