You South Africa – 22 August 2019

(Jeff_L) #1





hope to add something new.”
Angie will soon be temporarily moving

to the UK where shooting is to take place
and some sources say the kids – with the
exception of Maddox – will stay with
Brad in the US for a while.

It’s a sign, insiders say, that the thaw
between the couple once known as
Brangelina is real. The kids also stayed

with their dad for part of the time while
their mom was shooting Those Who
Wish Me Dead in Albuquerque, New
Although the famous six have yet
to be seen out and about with
Brad again since the couple’s bit-
ter breakup in September
2016, they’re regularly snap-
ped on excursions with
their mom.
And no matter whose
camp you may be in, it’s
hard not to concede that
Angie is doing a good job
of giving her kids as nor-
mal and grounded a life as


ORGET designer gear, cut-
ting-edge hairstyles and luxury
holidays – for this lot it’s bed-
head, hand-me-down clothes
and a house filled with pets.
Bulldogs, rats and snakes
have all scampered and slithered their
way through “Chez Jolie” over the years.
The menagerie grew one stronger recent-
ly when little Vivienne bought a bunny
with her mom.
“Vivienne is a lovely little girl who
adores her mom,” a source says. “She
loves spending time with Angie and the
two have a sweet bond.”
But the child who’ll always occupy
a special part in her heart is Maddox,
who triggered her love of motherhood.
Maddox will be flying the coop soon to
enrol at Yonsei University in Seoul, South
Korea, where he’ll study biochemistry.
“Angie is very proud of her eldest and
she’ll miss him, but she knows he’s ready,”
a source told People. “Maddox is very
close to his siblings and they all hope to
visit him in Korea.”
Maddox specifically choseYonsei.
“He’s been studying the Ko-
rean language and has les-
sons multiple times a week,”
the source adds.
Of all her kids, Angie is said
to be closest to Maddox and
reportedly confided a lot in
him following her split from
Brad. It’s well known that
Maddox and his father havea fractured
relationship following an argument on
board a plane. The incident led to Angie
filing for divorce shortly afterwards.
“Maddox is his mother’s biggest pro-
tector and he’s wise beyond his years,”
a source told Hollywood Life. “They’ve
had this intense bond since the moment
she laid eyes on him.”
For his 18th birthday earlier this

Ohio, to visit their friend Cambodi-
an-born human rights activist and
lecturer, Loung Ung (49).
“Loung has known Maddox since he
was a baby and they’re extremely close,
so it was a special way to mark the mile-
stone,” the Hollywood Life source adds.
Maddox celebrated his actual birthday,
5 August, with a small family dinner at
Angie’s Los Angeles home.
“Mad is very humble and didn’t want
a huge party,” the source continues.
“Maddox was the one who taught
Angie how to be a mom, so him officially
becoming an adult is especially mean-
ingful for her.”


NGELINA has lots going on
workwise. She’ll soon be pro-
moting Maleficent: Mistress
of Evil, the sequel to the 2014
hit, and she recently wrapped
filming for the animated
movie The One and Only Ivan, in which
she voices an elephant named Stella.
But the project that’s probably closest
to her heart is a new initiative she’s doing
with her children in conjunction with
the BBC. Our World is a 10-episode
current-affairs show aimed at children
aged seven to 12. One of its main objec-
tives is “to promote global literacy, which
will help children identify fake news”,
Angie says.
“There’s never been a time when it was
more important to introduce the next
generation to objective, impartial news
and factual explanation of the events
and issues shaping our world.
“This show will help young people in
differentcountries be connected to each
other, and to have a greater
awareness and understand-
ing of the news on an inter-
national basis,” Angie says.
Although it’s unclear how
her kids will be involved in
the project, it’s obvious they
were the inspiration.
“As a parent, I felt there
wasn’tthatone vetted and reliable inter-
nationally minded news programme tai-
lored for children that we could sit down
and watch together each week.
“That’s what I hope this will be for our
family and other families.”
And knowing Angie, it will be. Nothing
but the best for her. S

OVE: Angie with her eldest son, Maddox, and activist
end,Loung Ung. LEFT: Angie will play the warrior
enain the upcoming Marvel flick, Eternals.



‘They’ve had

this intense

bond since

she laid eyes

on him’ 22 AUGUST 2019 | (^7)

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