Los Angeles Times - 26.08.2019

(Jeff_L) #1


It’s not quite what you’d
expect from a Koch. Cer-
tainly not while speaking be-
fore the gray-haired Rotary
Club in Wichita, Kan.
But there was Chase
Koch, scion of one of Ameri-
ca’s mightiest private indus-
trial dynasties — a family
revered by the political right,
reviled by the left and feared
by just about everyone —
joking about his knockabout
years down in Texas.
It was back in the early
2000s, Chase said, after he
graduated with a marketing
degree from the proudly
anti-Ivy League Texas
A&M. (His father, Charles,
and uncle, David, studied
engineering at MIT, as did
his grandfather Fred.) Re-
luctant to tap the Koch net-
work for a job, he was hunt-
ing for work, banging out
Led Zeppelin covers with his
band and, as he put it,
“screwing around in Austin.”
Times change — and,
with time, the Kochs do too.
Chase, 42, now sits on the
board of Koch Industries
and is president of Koch
Disruptive Technologies,
the conglomerate’s venture
capital arm. He’s at the
sharp edge of efforts to pre-
pare for a knowledge-based
future in which cheap com-
puters, data and artificial in-
telligence might threaten
the firm’s dominance.
He’s also positioned to
control one of the world’s
most powerful closely held
companies, and he repre-
sents the future of the con-
servative political network
that has put the Kochs
among the country’s most
influential families.
(David Koch died Friday
at age 79. A year ago, he had
stepped down from the
brothers’ network of busi-
ness and political activities,
with a letter from Charles
Koch citing deteriorating
Few people are aware of
just how big the Koch empire
is or the industries it inhab-
its. Much as Warren Buffett
grew Berkshire Hathaway
Inc. from its textile-mill
roots, Koch Industries keeps
about 90% of its profit and
pumps the money back into
its businesses or buys new
ones. It’s now a sprawling
network of subsidiaries re-
porting back to head-
quarters in Wichita. They in-
clude forestry products
(Georgia-Pacific), fertilizer
(Koch Ag & Energy Solu-
tions), fabrics (Invista),
commodities trading (Koch
Supply & Trading) and
ranching (Matador Cattle).
The brothers invested
well. The $21-million com-
pany that Charles joined in

1961 is worth about $139 bil-
lion, a 662,000% return, or
roughly 16% annually over al-
most six decades. Charles
and David own about 84% of
the company. (Elaine Mar-
shall owns most of the rest,
gaining control of the stake
after the 2006 death of her
husband, E. Pierce Mar-
shall.) Historically, these in-
vestments were in industrial
assets — refineries, chemi-
cal plants, sawmills.
But over the last few
years, they’ve been more fu-
turistic, especially in the
venture capital arm led by
Chase Koch. The conglom-
erate has invested billions of
dollars in software, network
technology, big data, AI,
medical technology and 3-D
“It’s actually really smart
for them to do this,” said
Hans Swildens, chief execu-
tive of Industry Ventures,
which manages more than
$3.4 billion of institutional
capital. “If you owned a large
number of industrial busi-
nesses, and you were looking
at all the new technologies
that were coming out and
how they would affect your
business, the best thing that
you can do is embrace
Jim Hannan, an execu-
tive vice president who over-
sees about half of Koch In-
dustries’ subsidiaries, said
tech “has led to a much more
common set of issues and
opportunities across all our
At the same time, big
industrials are struggling

to grow.
“We are rapidly moving to
a digital economy,” said Nick
Heymann of William Blair &
Co. “Most of the net worth in
the last 20 years in this coun-
try has been created outside
tangible manufacturing
For Charles Koch, it was a
question of survival. At a
2017 leadership meeting, he
pushed his managers to em-
brace technology and pre-
pare for a knowledge-based
future. His message: “Do
it or we’ll end up in the
Falling technology costs
are generating new threats
to established industries.
There’s “a level of compe-
tition that these players did
not face,” said Sanjay Aggar-
wal of Boston-based venture
capital fund F-Prime Capi-
tal. “Now you can have start-
ups out of a garage building
an autonomous vehicle.
That was just not possible
Cheap computing power
and data will fundamentally
change every industry, said
Koch Industries’ chief finan-
cial officer, Steve Feilmeier.
The firm said it has invested
more than $17 billion in tech-
nology companies since 2013,
with big bets in cloud com-
puting and enterprise data
analytics. Investments have
included acquisitions as well
as strategic stakes. If it’s go-
ing to be disrupted by a new
technology, Koch wants to
be doing the disrupting and
“investing in it in a way
where we better understand

it,” Feilmeier said.
The focus on tech isn’t as
big a shift as it appears, said
Christopher Leonard, au-
thor of “Kochland.”
“If you go back to the
1970s, this company was a
knowledge company,” he
said. “Yes, they owned oil re-
fineries, but they also filled
the basement with IBM
computers to study the
crude-oil market, the gaso-
line market, to figure out
how to run the refineries at
the most optimum level.”
Data analytics have been
embedded in the Koch DNA
for decades, Leonard said.
“I’m not at all surprised that
they’re making bigger moves
into that space. It builds on
their expertise.”
Trying to reposition a
huge industrial conglomer-
ate around digital technol-
ogy doesn’t always have a
happy ending.
General Electric Co.
“made this big effort and got
over its ski tips to make itself
the platform for industrial
digital analytics, and it got
way more expensive more
quickly” than former CEO
Jeff Immelt anticipated,
William Blair’s Heymann
Byron Trott, the founder
of merchant bank BDT
Capital Partners, who has
worked with Koch Indus-
tries for more than 25 years
and advised on several ac-
quisitions, doesn’t see the
Kochs’ company running
into the same problems. GE
faced short-term pressures
that come with being publi-

cly traded, he said, while
“Koch is doing this because
they are really, really good at
thinking long term.”
Chase Koch’s group has
made some of the more am-
bitious bets outside Koch In-
dustries’ traditional areas of
expertise, such as investing
in InSightec Ltd., a manu-
facturer of ultrasound-
based surgical tools that can
eliminate the need for inci-
sions. He’s the only member
of the family from his gener-
ation that works at the com-
pany. His sister Elizabeth
Koch runs a publishing
house, Catapult Books, and
David’s children are much
Still, Chase took a some-
what unconventional path.
After graduating, he
spent several years playing
in a band covering Led Zep-
pelin, Phish and the Grateful
Dead, and trying to find his
way in Austin’s start-up
scene. Although he previ-
ously held summer jobs at
Koch, including his first at a
cattle ranch at age 15, he
spent the years after gradu-
ation avoiding his father’s
“I was too proud to tap
into the Koch network,” he
told the Wichita Rotarians.
Although he was
schooled in his family’s poli-
tics from a young age — he
recalls Saturdays as a 6-
year-old listening to books
on tape by Milton Friedman
— it’s unclear whether he
shares the political philoso-
phy of his father and of his
uncle, who ran for vice presi-

dent as the Libertarian
Party nominee in 1980.
“I start with the idea that
to learn and grow, you’ve got
to be open to other people’s
ideas,” Chase Koch told Poli-
tico last year. Politics, while
important, is “not at all what
I’m passionate about.”
That raises questions
about what will become of
the Koch political network,
which gives his father out-
size influence in the United
States. “There is no compar-
ison for any CEO in corpo-
rate America in terms of po-
litical influence when com-
pared to Charles Koch,”
Leonard said.
The Kochs sponsor can-
didates, think tanks, advo-
cacy groups and academic
groups pushing a conserva-
tive, free-market agenda.
Recently, there have been
disagreements with the Re-
publican Party under Presi-
dent Trump on issues such
as free trade and immigra-
tion. Americans for Prosper-
ity, the Kochs’ primary polit-
ical advocacy group, is shift-
ing focus toward “finding
nonpartisan solutions,” ac-
cording to a June memo, and
it’s prepared to support can-
didates who get things done
regardless of party.
In July, the Kochs part-
nered with liberal investor
and philanthropist George
Soros to found the Quincy
Institute for Responsible
Statecraft, a think tank
dedicated to promoting
peaceful U.S. foreign policy.
Leonard said he isn’t con-
vinced the moves constitute
a real change to the Kochs’
political goals.
“It feels like an adaptable
reaction to the moment,” he
said, “even as Koch keeps its
eye on the long-term strate-
gy of doing one thing, which
is constraining the reach of
the federal government, dis-
mantling the administrative
state and pushing back the
reach of government as far
as possible.”
When Chase returned to
Wichita to rejoin Koch In-
dustries after his years in
Austin, he began a rotation
of high-level jobs, including
stints in mergers and acqui-
sitions, tax structuring,
agronomics and trading. It
was designed as an MBA-
like experience to familiarize
him with various parts of the
Koch Industries won’t
detail its succession plan be-
yond saying that one is in
place and that roles are filled
by those most qualified. If
Chase eventually succeeds
his father in running the firm
and the political network,
he’ll become one of the coun-
try’s most influential people.

Maloney writes for

ACTIVISTSprotest campaign contributions by the Koch brothers near the apartment of billionaire and Republican financier David Koch in New York City in 2014.

Spencer PlattGetty Images

Koch Industries betting on tech

Corporation prepares for a threat to its dominance posed by cheap computers, data and AI

CHASE KOCH, left, president of Koch Disruptive Technologies, is shown with his father, Charles Koch, CEO
of Koch Industries, in Colorado Springs, Colo., in June. Chase Koch now sits on the board of Koch Industries.

David ZalubowskiAssociated Press

By Tom Maloney



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