killed during a 2016 armed rob-
After the attack on U Street,
Creason woke up in a hospital bed
with no memory of the incident.
Then someone sent him the vid-
“It’s not a fun experience to see
yourself dropped like a rag doll in
the middle of the street,” Creason
told The Post. He sent the video to
the police, who released images of
the suspects, along with a plea for
relevant information.
None came. The attack is one of
128 suspected hate crimes that
remain unsolved.
‘I hate Muslims’
On a Saturday morning in Oc-
tober, a man with an assault rifle
walked into a Pittsburgh syna-
gogue and opened fire, shouting
“All Jews must die.” By the time he
was arrested, 11 people were dead.
Two days later, before the vic-
tims of America’s deadliest anti-
Semitic attack had been buried,
the phone rang at the Washington
Hebrew Congregation.
“I’m so glad that 11 people died
at the other temple,” the caller
told a receptionist. “I wanted you
to know.”
Anti-Semitic hate crimes are
on the rise across the country. In
Washington, the call on Oct. 29,
2018, was one of 17 suspected
anti-Semitic hate crimes last year,
according to The Post’s analysis of
police reports.
Most of those involved swasti-
kas scrawled in visible locations:
a store window in Georgetown, a
mailbox downtown, the girls’
bathroom at an elite private high
school. One man walked out of his
house on a wintry morning in
Chevy Chase to find the Nazi
symbol freshly drawn in the frost.
Police also investigated reports
of seven anti-Muslim incidents —
up from two in 2017 — and one
anti-Hindu incident, The Post
In October, a man came to the
headquarters of the Council on
American-Islamic Relations
(CAIR) and started yelling, “I hate
Muslims,” according to a police
report. When asked to leave, he
made a throat-cutting gesture at a
A deaf student at Gallaudet
University reported being stalked
for months online by a man who
mocked her for being Muslim and
told her “Trump is going to kill
“I blocked him again and again,
but he kept coming back every
time, making new Instagram ac-
counts,” the student told The Post
via a sign-language interpreter.
“He was constantly messaging
me, every day, 10 to 15 times.”
The Post generally does not
identify the victims of crimes
without their permission. The
student, who did not want to be
named, said she had grown up in
New York City, where she had
been threatened with a gun after
the 9/11 terrorist attacks. But
nothing had shaken her like her
Instagram stalker.
“Anytime I go outside, I feel like
I’m constantly looking behind my
back,” she said. “Being Muslim
and deaf, I feel like I can’t trust
Sarah Amer, a Palestinian
American, was driving to work in
downtown Washington in June
In September, Kristen Laird
was settling in for another night
near Dupont Circle when she was
approached by a man who asked
whether she was a man or a
woman. When Laird said she was
transsexual, Mickey Crawford —
who was also homeless and has a
long criminal record, including a
sexual assault conviction — de-
manded sex. When she refused,
Crawford said he would come
back later and rape her.
“I get harassed on a fairly con-
sistent basis,” Laird told The Post.
“But this last one scared me.”
A week earlier, she and her
partner had been hit by a
teenager wielding a bicycle hel-
met. Neither incident was pros-
ecuted as a hate crime. Crawford,
who pleaded guilty and said he
had a drinking problem, was sen-
tenced to 180 days’ time served.
Another transgender woman
at a homeless shelter downtown
found a piece of paper in her
locker that read: “BITCH THIS
Transgender people were pis-
tol-whipped and spit upon, at-
tacked while taking out the trash
and visiting the library. In Decem-
ber, the National Center for
Transgender Equality received
three threats in less than 24
hours, including one promising
to “rid the earth of scum and
garbage like you.”
Each incident reverberated
through a tightknit community
still reeling from the death of
Deeniquia “Dee Dee” Dodds, a
transgender woman who was
4 million.
One reason may be the sheer
size of the District’s LGBTQ com-
munity — about 10 percent of the
city’s residents. Police also attri-
bute the record number of attacks
to better reporting and closer re-
lations between law enforcement
and gay and transgender resi-
Activists agree but also say the
climate is worse now than it was a
few years ago.
“We see the evidence in hate-
crime statistics,” said Strang, the
gay and lesbian alliance presi-
dent, “and we see the evidence in
viral YouTube videos.”
In 2018, a gay man was threat-
ened in the locker room of his
gym. A woman came home to find
her gay pride flag smeared with
feces. A lesbian was called a
“dyke” and body slammed by her
own brother who said “if she
wanted to act like a man, he
would treat her like a man,” ac-
cording to a police report.
Rudolph Williams was dancing
at a nightclub on Feb. 3, 2018,
when another clubgoer asked
him to move. Williams, who is
openly gay, responded that he was
“just listening to the music.” Sud-
denly, he said, he was struck in the
head with a champagne bottle.
“I felt the warmth of the blood
run down my face,” he recalled,
and the man who wanted him to
move laughed. “He said, ‘You fag-
gy motherf---er.’ That’s when I
knew it was deliberate,” Williams
Transgender men and women
also were frequent targets of
abuse, especially those who were
‘Garbage like you’
On a warm spring evening,
Michael Creason and Zach Link
were drinking at the Dirty Goose
— a gay bar on U Street just two
miles from the White House —
when Link decided it was time to
order his friend a ride home.
It was about 12:30 a.m. on
Sunday, April 15, 2018. As the two
walked hand-in-hand on the busy
sidewalk toward an Uber, a group
of men bumped into Creason.
When Link followed them and
demanded to know why they had
jostled his friend, the group at-
“You f---ing fags,” one of the
men said, before punching Link
in the face.
As a bystander filmed on her
cellphone, two men punched and
kicked Link as he lay on the
ground. When Creason tried to
help him, a third man blindsided
him with a blow to the back of the
“What’s going on?” said the
woman filming, as Link spat out
his teeth and Creason lay uncon-
scious in the street.
The video of the attack went
viral. For the LGBTQ community,
it was a reminder that this city of
700,000 people, often viewed as
one of America’s most gay-friend-
ly, is also home to more reports of
homophobic hate crimes than al-
most anywhere in the country.
The 61 anti-gay and 33 anti-
transgender incidents investigat-
ed by D.C. police last year easily
eclipse those in the 18 other big
cities Levin has studied, includ-
ing New York, with 8.5 million
people, and Los Angeles, with
The Nov. 28 incident was one of
a record 204 suspected hate
crimes in the capital last year. The
true number is probably higher
because, experts say, many hate
crimes are not reported to police.
Even so, the District has the high-
est rate per capita of any major
city in the United States, accord-
ing to Brian Levin, director of the
Center for the Study of Hate and
Extremism at California State
University at San Bernardino.
As reports of hate crimes have
surged across the country, much
of the attention has been focused
on white-supremacy-inspired
mass shootings in Pittsburgh and
El Paso and an attack by an
avowed neo-Nazi in Charlottes-
In Washington, the arrest of a
self-professed white nationalist
allegedly plotting with his broth-
er to spark a race war made
national headlines. Meanwhile,
the reported attack on the sev-
enth-grader — just two weeks
later and a few miles away —
received no media coverage. That
was true of the vast majority of
suspected hate crimes in the Dis-
trict in 2018.
The Post examined all 204 inci-
dents investigated by police as
hate crimes, interviewing two
dozen victims and a handful of
suspects. What emerged was a
portrait of pervasive bigotry and
violence: gay men and women
assaulted on the street, transgen-
der people threatened by strang-
ers, African Americans taunted
with slurs, Muslims harassed for
wearing headscarves, synagogues
subjected to anti-Semitic calls.
Roughly half were violent
crimes ranging from robbery to
sexual abuse to assault, which
was the most common offense.
Yet most suspected hate crimes
go unpunished in the District.
Despite a strong push by police to
identify and investigate bias-mo-
tivated incidents, there were no
arrests in roughly two-thirds of
the cases, The Post found. Of the
adult suspects identified, just 55
faced charges of any kind. None
has been convicted of a hate
D.C. police say the seemingly
random nature of some hate
crimes can make arrests difficult,
and racist or anti-Semitic graffiti
can be tough to trace to a culprit.
“We have a robust and compre-
hensive process,” said Lt. Brett
Parson, commander of the Spe-
cial Liaison Branch, which inves-
tigates suspected hate crimes.
Jessie K. Liu, the U.S. Attorney
for the District of Columbia, said
in a statement Tuesday that her
office takes hate crimes “very seri-
ously” and recently added a sec-
ond coordinator to prosecute
them. “We continue to work close-
ly with the Metropolitan Police
Department to investigate these
cases, and with victims to pursue
justice in them,” she said.
The city’s year of hatred began
in January with a ride-share that
descended into racist violence. It
ended 12 months later in an alley,
where a bisexual man was as-
saulted with a frying pan. In be-
tween, simmering biases boiled
over on a near-daily basis. Road
rage accelerated into racism.
Roommates threatened to kill
one another over politics. An ele-
vator ride ended with one neigh-
bor’s hands around another’s
“It’s always the same with you
Spanish, Latin American people,”
one female Lyft passenger alleg-
edly told another on Jan. 17, 2018,
before punching her in the face.
“You come to this country and
steal from us.”
Nearly half of the victims be-
longed to the District’s large
LGBTQ community. There was
also a surge of partisan hatred in
the most political of cities as sup-
porters of President Trump were
attacked and his critics received
death threats.
Many people who track hate
crimes see a connection between
Trump’s ugly political rhetoric
aimed at immigrants and people
of color and what has been un-
leashed in communities across
the country.
“Look at the environment that
our nation’s leaders have created,”
said Bobbi Strang, president of
the District’s Gay and Lesbian
Activists Alliance. “Everywhere
people are feeling empowered to
say and act according to their
worst impulses.”
Or as Levin put it: “We are
seeing a democratization of hate.”
D.C. sees
a record
year of
Zach Link, left, and Michael Creason were assaulted last year by three men at the intersection of Vermont Avenue and U Street in a homophobic attack.
Rudolph Williams, left, who is gay, was struck in the head with a champagne bottle at a club in a suspected homophobic attack. His
case is unsolved. Kristen Laird, a trans woman, was threatened and assaulted, but neither incident was prosecuted as a hate crime.
About this series
As hate crimes soar across
the country, The Post
examines those who
commit acts of hatred,
those who are targets of
attacks, and those who
investigate and prosecute
“I felt the warmth of the blood
run down my face.”
Rudolph Williams
“I get harassed on a fairly consistent
basis. But this last one scared me.”
Kristen Laird
“It’s not a fun
experience to see
yourself dropped
like a rag doll in
the middle of the
Michael Creason