The Washington Post - 26.08.2019

(Steven Felgate) #1


Politics & the Nation


dilley, tex. — More than a year
after he drew criticism for com-
paring family detention to a
“summer camp,” the nation’s top
immigration enforcer stood in a
clean hallway in America’s larg-
est family detention complex and
gestured around himself.
“Take a look,” said Matthew
Albence, U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement’s acting
Across the hall was a dental
office, with a reclining chair and
sterile instruments. The cafeteria
was serving hot dogs, lime-cilan-
tro chicken, tortillas and green
salad — all you can eat. Kinder-
gartners sat on a colorful mat in a
schoolhouse trailer and learned
to sing “If You’re Happy and You
Know It.”
ICE allowed news photogra-
phers and television cameras
into the family residential center
on Friday because, they said,
some news reports and members
of Congress have confused the
Border Patrol’s cramped, short-
term jails — criticized by immi-
gration attorneys and Democrat-
ic lawmakers for their “horren-
dous” conditions — with the
comprehensive family detention
centers that ICE is attempting to
Albence and other officials led
the tour on the same day the
Trump administration officially
moved to terminate a court
agreement that sets basic stan-
dards for the care of underage
migrants, including a 20-day lim-
it on their detention. The admin-
istration says withdrawing from
the Flores Settlement Agree-
ment, in place since 1997, would
not mean families would be de-
tained indefinitely. Officials said
they hope to hold them no longer
than 50 to 60 days, enough time
to deport those who are ineligible

for asylum and release the rest.
That would triple the length of
time children are held, and ap-
peals could take longer.
The South Texas Family Resi-
dential Center sits off a vast
stretch of scrubland in a tiny
former oil-boom town, an hour
south of San Antonio. There’s a
Dairy Queen, a motel named
White House Inn and not much
else. CoreCivic, a private for-prof-
it company that specializes in
corrections and runs adult immi-
gration jails, also runs the center.
The Dilley facility is one of
three family detention centers in
the United States, with a total
capacity of about 3,000 beds,
though only two are in use.
Approximately 900 parents and
children were being held in Dil-
ley and another facility in Penn-
sylvania as of last week.
Albence said that, unlike the
Border Patrol facilities where
children lacked toothbrushes
and were photographed sleeping
on the ground, ICE’s family resi-
dential centers give children and
parents three hot meals a day
and access to a wide array of
services, including a 24-hour in-
firmary, a day care, a library with
Internet and email access, a
beauty salon, a charter school
and a canteen. Officials allowed a
photographer to access the in-
side of the facility in 2015.
Mothers and children as
young as babies sleep in dorms
with bunk beds and share bath-
rooms, with trailers divided into
neighborhoods with names such
as Green Turtle and Yellow Frog.
“This is clearly not a concen-
tration camp,” Albence said, re-
ferring to the “ugly rhetoric” that
some activists have directed at
ICE agents in recent months.
Pediatricians, child psychia-
trists, immigration lawyers, con-
gressional Democrats and others
swiftly condemned the move to
end Flores, and lawyers vowed to
oppose the withdrawal in court.
Advocates for immigrants say
detaining children with hun-
dreds of strangers is dangerous.
Chickenpox, the flu and other
diseases can spread quickly. Chil-
dren and parents grow stressed,

and some become suicidal.
The mother of a 19-month-old
girl who fell ill at Dilley and died
shortly after her release last year
has filed a wrongful-death claim
saying the girl, Mariee, was vom-
iting constantly and neglected at
“Detention for any length of
time, with or without their fami-
lies, is bad for children,” said
Caryl Stern, president and chief
executive of UNICEF USA, the
United Nations agency that advo-
cates for women and children in
the United States, in a statement.
“The proof is there. Detained
children experience long-lasting
harm on their well-being, safety,
and development.”
Before the rule can take effect,
officials say it must go before U.S.
District Judge Dolly M. Gee, an
Obama appointee in Los Angeles,
and lawyers for both sides are
scheduled to file briefs in the
coming days.
Officials said that Dilley is not
a secure facility and that women

and children are free to wander
around the campus. But if fami-
lies try to leave, officials said,
they could be apprehended for
being in the United States illegal-
ly. ICE did not allow reporters to
speak with the women and chil-
dren held in Dilley on Friday.
But in interviews Thursday at
a San Antonio bus station an
hour north of Dilley, women
recently released from the facili-
ty and heading to join friends
and relatives in Miami, Dallas
and other cities, said they were
treated well. The food was tasty,
they said, and they appreciated
access to doctors and lawyers.
Dilley was far better than the
Border Patrol holding cells, they
said, or the safe houses they
stayed in during their trip
through Mexico.
Still, the women said, they
considered Dilley a jail.
A tall fence surrounds it;
guards keep watch. Women and
children wear name tags
stamped with the CoreCivic logo.

“We didn’t suffer. But we were
locked up,” said Lillian, a 29-
year-old woman who spoke on
the condition that her last name
not be used because she was
afraid to speak publicly, in part
because she said she had fled
gang members attempting to ex-
tort her in Honduras. “For me, it
was being locked up. You want to
work, to go out. But you’re locked
Dilley’s guards — not parents
— set the rules: Children cannot
run barefoot, officials said.
“Mothers must not leave their
children alone in any moment,”
not even to go to the bathroom,
said signs posted in a dorm room.
If children color on walls or
furniture, another rule said, “a
disciplinary report will be pro-
Everyone has to make their
bed, fold their clothes and place
their shoes against the wall or
under the bed. Officials reward
migrants with prizes for the
“cleanest room.”

Officials said the rules are for
the families’ health and safety.
But advocates say it traumatizes
children when their parents are
not in charge.
Mirian, a 25-year-old mother
of three children — 11, 7 and
nearly 2 years old — said she
struggled to sleep at Dilley. The
Honduran native had to monitor
each child constantly and wor-
ried about being deported or the
children falling ill.
“I didn’t know if I’d ever get
out,” she said, speaking on the
condition that her last name not
be used because of privacy con-
Migrant family residential
centers expanded under the
Obama administration to hold
rapidly growing numbers of Cen-
tral American families crossing
the U.S. southern border with
Mexico to seek asylum. Because
of the 20-day limit on detaining
children, officials say they have
been forced to release most fami-
lies in the United States to await
an immigration hearing and
many disappear.
Officials say expanding family
detention under the Obama ad-
ministration created a deterrent
that led to a marked drop in
apprehensions, from 68,
family members in 2014 to nearly
40,000 the following year.
But Gee ruled in 2015 that the
government could not hold chil-
dren with their parents longer
than 20 days in facilities that had
not been licensed by states — a
decision officials blame for a
record spike in crossings, more
than 400,000 this fiscal year.
Gee ruled last year that “any
number of other factors could
have caused the increase in ille-
gal border crossings, including
civil strife, economic degrada-
tion, and fear of death in the
migrants’ home countries.”
Trump administration offi-
cials say they are confident that
detaining families can resolve
the immigration cases quickly
and combat smugglers’ claims in
Central America that it is easy to
enter the United States if mi-
grants travel with a child.
[email protected]

With detention rules in question, ICE lets media in facility

A child plays at the South Texas Family Residential Center in Dilley. Immigrants at ICE residential
centers get three hot meals a day and have access to an array of services, said ICE’s acting director.

Tour of family residential

center comes amid effort
to terminate agreement






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