Vette Magazine – November 2019

(Nandana) #1

actuators on the top. We have covered
removing the dash in several past articles.
It seems like this is becoming something
almost common.
After replacing the blend air door actua-
tor there is normally no programming or
calibration needed. They are simply plug-
and-play. After replacing the actuator and
then when you start the vehicle with the
air conditioning on, the actuator will go

through a self-test and calibrate itself so
don’t move any controls for the first two
minutes after you start the vehicle. If there
is a problem and it did not self-calibrate
simply perform a global reset.
If you had this problem without the
clicking issue I would have recommended
you record the climate control fault codes
and perform a global reset, which basi-
cally means there is a communication
problem. On a C5 Corvette, the first thing
to do is to drain the capacitors. Basically
you are rebooting the system, forcing sev-
eral systems on the vehicle, including the
blend air door actuators, to go through a
self-calibration. Please refer to Technically
Speaking in the September 2018 issue for
this procedure.
If any of the climate control fault codes
indicate a blend air door issue, normally
the blend air door is the problem. Well,
Paul, I hope this helps you out and, by the
way, I forgot to mention you will need to
do your best impression of a contortionist
when you replace that actuator. VETTE

Notice that the blend air door actuator is
clocked (the white female portion of the
actuator), when you install the blend air
door actuator just fit the actuator to the
blend air door itself and turn the door
and actuator until you can get the actu-
ator to line up with the mounting tabs.
When you start the vehicle the actua-
tor will go through a self-calibration and
reset itself. So there is no need to try and
clock the new actuator to the old one.

Got a question for our Tech Corner expert?
Just jot it down on a paper towel or a lightly
soiled shop rag and send it to us at VETTE
magazine, Attn: Technically Speaking,
1821 E. Dyer Rd., Suite 150, Santa Ana, CA

  1. Alternatively, you can submit your
    question via the Web, by emailing it to vette@ Be sure to put
    “Technically Speaking” in the subject line.

Once you access the
actuator it is held in
place with two 7mm
bolts and a wiring
connector. When you
line up the actua-
tor notice there is an
alignment peg.

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