CHARGED Electric Vehicles Magazine – May-June 2019

(Michael S) #1
Image courtesy of YASA

YASA, a UK manufacturer of
axial-flux electric motors, has
announced availability of the
first in a new series of motor
controllers for EVs and PHEVs.
The Si400 controller delivers
200 kVA from a 5-liter package.
The 12.8 lb controller features
thermal management, includ-
ing dielectric oil cooling, and is
compatible with induction, per-
manent magnet and axial-flux
electric motors.
YASA CEO Chris Harris
said, “With this new series of
controllers, we’re responding
to our customers’ demand for
increased flexibility in power-
train design. The first release in
the series, the Si400, is signifi-
cantly smaller and lighter than
competitive products, and when
coupled with our axial-flux mo-
tors enables significant improve-
ments in vehicle performance,
range and cost.”

Motor maker YASA

launches 200 kVA


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