CHARGED Electric Vehicles Magazine – May-June 2019

(Michael S) #1



Energy investment firm Energy Impact Partners has in-
vested $5.7 million in ViriCiti, developer of a telematics
platform for monitoring and managing electric bus and
truck fleets.
“Mid- and heavy-duty vehicles present an enormous
near-term opportunity for electrification, but fleet opera-
tors need the tools to leverage the unique characteristics
of battery-powered vehicles,” said Shayle Kann, EIP’s
Senior VP of Research and Strategy. “ViriCiti provides
them capabilities that will accelerate electrification, lower
operating costs and minimize impacts on the grid.”
“We will use this investment to open our first North
American headquarters on the East Coast, grow our
team and offices to ensure great customer service, and
build up our sales network,” said Freek Dielissen, CEO of

Energy Impact Partners

invests $5.7 million in EV fleet

telematics company ViriCiti

Tesla has announced the advent of V3 Supercharging, a
new generation of fast charging tech.
“V3 is a completely new architecture for Supercharg-
ing,” reads the company’s announcement. “A new 1 MW
power cabinet with a similar design to our utility-scale
products supports peak rates of up to 250 kW per car.
At this rate, a Model 3 Long Range operating at peak
efficiency can recover up to 75 miles of charge in 5
minutes and charge at rates of up to 1,000 miles per hour.
Combined with other improvements we’re announcing
today, V3 Supercharging will ultimately cut the amount
of time customers spend charging by an average of 50%,
as modeled on our fleet data.”
“Supercharger stations with V3’s new power electron-
ics are designed to enable any owner to charge at the full
power their battery can take – no more splitting power
with a vehicle in the stall next to you. With these signif-
icant technical improvements, we anticipate the typical
charging time at a V3 Supercharger will drop to around
15 minutes.”
A new feature called On-Route Battery Warmup will
further streamline the charging process. “Now, whenever
you navigate to a Supercharger station, your vehicle will
intelligently heat the battery to ensure you arrive at the
optimal temperature to charge, reducing average charge
times for owners by 25%.”
“This combination of higher peak power with V3,
dedicated vehicle power allocation across Supercharger
sites, and On-Route Battery Warmup enables customers
to charge in half the time and Tesla to serve more than
twice the number of customers per hour,” says Tesla. “We
are also unlocking 145 kW charge rates for our 12,000+
V2 Superchargers over the coming weeks.”
Tesla has opened a public V3 beta site in the Bay Area.
Participants in Tesla’s Early Access Program will be the
first to test the new system. At first, V3 Supercharging
will be available only for Model 3, but Tesla will continue
to expand access as it reviews and assesses the results of
millions of charging events.

Tesla’s new V3 Supercharging

promises a typical charging

time of 15 minutes

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