AirForces Monthly – September 2019

(Martin Jones) #1
Co-ordinating missions between
air and land elements took a lot
of time in the planning phase.
For flying units, as much as
four hours of planning could
be required for one hour in the
air. In total, some 290 sorties
were performed, amounting
to around 500 flight hours.

COMAO concepts
Originating as an exercise to
bring an international helicopter
force together under HEP
working guidelines, the Blade
exercises now increasingly
involve multiple aims, with some
of the more ‘exotic’ tasks this
year including deploying military
dogs on a line from a helicopter.

Each day, a different type of
COMAO was practised, mostly
in the afternoon, while specific
adjustments were trained in the
morning’s ‘shadow’ operations. A
common concept was a four-ship
of transport helicopters escorted
by two to four attack rotorcraft,
but the total package sometimes
exceeded 12 helicopters.
Larger formations were typically
divided into three or four smaller
groups and elements could find
themselves re-tasked during flight.
Three Luftwaffe CH-53s from
Hubschraubergeschwader 64
(HSG 64, Helicopter Wing 64)
at Laupheim offered the biggest
payload potential, with the ability to
put a full platoon onto the ground.

Hungarian Hinds
Hungarian detachment commander
Colonel Zoltán Rolkó, deputy
commander of the MH 86.
Szolnok Helikopter Bázis (86th
Helicopter Base), oversaw the
first operational deployment of
the country’s overhauled Mi-24s.
Two Hinds actively participated in
DB19 and one served as a spare.
The newly repainted Mi-24s are
now equipped with integrated GPS,
instrument landing system (ILS)
and night-vision goggles (NVGs)
capabilities. For the first time, the
EDA planned for a COMAO using
NVGs in DB19 – organisers judged
these missions as being three times
more demanding than daylight flying.
Rolkó admitted: “In the first

days the briefing was a little
chaotic, but this soon changed.
Later on, the outcomes became
much better and we moved
from confusion to forming strong
bonds with each other.”
Rolkó confirmed that a new
HEP exercise would be staged in
Hungary in 2022, by which time
the local inventory will include 20
H145M and 12 H225M helicopters.

Evolutionary process
Svoboda noted “the same
professionalism” among established
‘Bladers’ and new participants such
as Poland. For several members
of the Belgian Air Component,
DB19 was the first time they’d
taken their NH90s on exercise,

DB19 air assets
Nation Type(s)
Belgium 3 x A109, 3 x NH

5 x Mi-24, 6 x Mi-171, 4
x L-
Germany 3 x CH-
Hungary 3 x Mi-24, 2 x Mi-
Slovenia 1 x AS
Poland 1 x W-3A

Above: Fixed-wing participation was
limited to the L-159A ALCA, including
serial 6066, taxiing at Náměšť nad
Oslavou. The jet is flown by the 212.
taktická letka (213th Tactical Squadron)
at Čáslav. Kees Otten and Wim Das

Above: Helicopters assigned armed overwatch duty circled around the transport
rotorcraft when necessary. This Belgian NH90 door gunner is manning a
12.7mm calibre M3M heavy machine gun. Jozef Vanden Broeck/Belgian MoD #378 September 2019 // 15

14-16 Blades AFM Sep2019.indd 15 8/5/2019 9:35:49 AM

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