AirForces Monthly – September 2019

(Martin Jones) #1

Solenzara Stingers

Earlier thissummer,1 Squadron
‘Stingers’oftheBelgian Air
Component departedtheirhome
baseofFlorennesfora two-week

A Belgian fl ag displayed proudly on the cockpit
coaming, a ‘Stingers’ F-16AM tears through a
Corsican valley. Each Belgian ‘Viper’ pilot fl ies an
average of 150 hours annually, but this has been
boosted during combat deployments in recent
years. All photos Joe Campion

Belgian F-16s in Corsica

50 // September 2019 #378

50-53 Solenzara AFM Sep2019.indd 50 8/2/2019 9:28:48 AM

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