2019-09-01 Reader\'s Digest

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
riding a horse, or a doctor smoking a
pipe and playing guitar. Use your first
associations and link the images in
any order you like. Do something else
for ten minutes, then try to recall the
words again and see how much better
your memory has become already.


These games work to boost a range
of cognitive functions by helping
keep your mind limber and sharp. In
most people, the brain’s left side usu-
ally controls language and reasoning
skills. Word games help build this left
hemisphere, while mazes and jigsaw
puzzles can bolster the right hemi-
sphere, which controls visual skills
and orientation. Answers on page 113.

Beginner Exercises


right brain exercise: counting
squaresCount the number
of squares in the figure below.
Hint: Be sure to count the squares
within the squares.


left brain: changing words
Begin with the word WALL and
change one letter at a time until
you get the word FIRM. Each change
must create another proper word.

_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _



right brain: numbering popsicle
sticksArrange the three Popsi-
cle sticks into the number nine
without breaking or bending them.


left brain: letter scramble no. 1
Come up with as many words
of one or more letters as you
can from the letters below. Use each
letter only once in each word.


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The Genius Section
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