Runner\'s World USA - 09.2019 - 10.2019
VE R SATI LE BAS E L AYE R When the Tracksmith NDO Waffle Shirt arrived at our office, we initially thought it was cotton becaus ...
GO TY FITNESS TRACKER The fitness tracker to buy this year isn’t a GPS watch. It’s this one, which measures every- thing you’re ...
You Run. Show It Off. Get 10 % OFF with promo code: RWFRIENDS SUNDAY RUNDAY Details: Most people take this ...
↘ George Etzweiler, running with his hearing aid and stop- watch around his neck, at Tussey Mountain in Pennsylvania. 82 RUNNERS ...
At 99 Years Old, George Etzweiler Can’t Stop Running SIX OLD MEN gather for a run in the mountains outside of State College, Pen ...
↑ George and Mary were inseparable for the entirety of their 68-year marriage. → Thirty-three people, includ- ing three women, h ...
a team of old guys to run that 50-mile relay?” George got the hint. He took to the phone book and started tracking down runners ...
“I’m proud of you.” •••• WE LOVE YOU, GEORGE George is racing without his Mountain Men today. It’s one of his three annual races ...
W L ike most runners, I’m a little bit neurotic. I metic- ulously log my training runs. I’ll do a lap around the block at the en ...
had stockpiled at once is about eight pairs, which I’ll admit is a bit excessive. But, they just perform so well. The cushion fr ...
W C onfession: I’m a very anxious runner. This fear isn’t driven by personal expe- rience, but more by the fact that I run in ru ...
W W A fter 17 years of run- ning and 15 mara- thons, I started a new training chap- ter when I met Liam. He is blind, nonverbal, ...
[email protected]
801.668.6038 NORTH ATLANTIC ...
The Elite Active 65t is everything we want in truly wireless earbuds. Our testers achieved a secure fit quickly with the include ...
The tech world’s push to wireless is frustrating if you don’t want to spend a bundle on Bluetooth- connected buds, so we appreci ...
and impressive sound quality. The buds’ dynamic sound delivered punchy bass that didn’t overpower our favorite tracks. The buds ...
Marathoners, rejoice! Jaybird has rolled out a new set of buds with two extra hours of run time. The Vista lasts six hours on a ...
Blake Montie, 30, of Richard- son, TX, won’t let caring for his 2-year-old son be an excuse to skip runs. “My running motto is ‘ ...
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