Drum – 22 August 2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1

38 |^22 AUGUST^2019 http://www.drum.co.za

Teenagers should think twice before deciding

to have sex for the first time


Don’t rush it

thers. And teenage mothers account
for 25% of maternal deaths.

Most health experts warn that having
sex too young can cause both physical
and emotional problems, and they re-
commend teens wait until they’re ma-
ture enough to have sex. The timing
will be different for each teen.
The reasons behind teens taking the
plunge too early vary, but the conse-
quences are the same.
“There are different reasons why
teens lose their virginity,” says Brenda
Moletsane, a community worker and
facilitator at The Family Life Centre.
“These reasons include risk-taking
behaviour, thinking they’re in love,
media and social media influence,
pressure from a partner, peer pressure
to be cool and belong, and seeking
The government suggests a lack of

She now wishes she’d listened to her
aunt and waited for the right time be-
cause her life isn’t what she’d hoped it
would be – she is now a single parent.
Lerato is far from alone. Girls bet-
ween the ages of 15 and 19 account for
11% of births worldwide, according to
the World Health Organization. About
16 million girls in this age group
become pregnant, and around one mil-
lion girls under the age of 15 give birth.
South African government figures
suggest that around 8% of pregnancies
in the country are from teenage mo-


IKE all teenage girls, Lerato
Moloi* (17) had dreams.
She wanted to finish high
school and go to university
so she could build a bet-
ter life for herself. But her
dreams were shattered
when she became preg-
nant at the age of 15.

She grew up with a strict aunt who
always told her not to rush into things
like dating and having sex, but because
Lerato wanted to be cool with her

friends, she had sex to fit in.

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