Your Home and Garden – September 2019

(Ron) #1


ardening can be confusing for
beginners. From pruning and
making compost, to tying up
broad beans and deadheading
roses, there’s a seemingly
endless list of things to do at
different times of year. Some newbie gardeners
find it hard to know where to begin, but making
sure you have the right gardening tools is the
obvious first step.
There are many different tools to choose
from and deciding what’s best for you will
depend on your garden’s size and the time and
ability you have to work in it. To get you started
we’ve compiled our list of the essential tools
every gardener should have in their shed. When
you buy, try not to skimp on quality – well-made
tools always pay for themselves in the long run.

+ Trowel Essentially a mini-spade, a trowel is for
weeding, light planting or transplanting small
seedlings, and repotting container plants. Make
sure the handle is robust and fits nicely in your
hand. Trowels can be broad and spade-like or
narrow, depending on what you use them for.
Most gardeners need at least two.
+ Hand weeder Although you can use a trowel
for weeding, there are many hand weeders on
the market that do the job better, some with
forked metal prongs, others with a narrow, more
solid shape for weeds with tough roots. You
can also buy curved weeders for crevices and
Japanese weeders that serve as a cutting tool.
+ Hand fork ideal for loosening soil or weeding
in heavily planted beds. Some hand weeders
can do these jobs too.

Photography by

Bauer Syndication


1 Paving weeder, $26, From Father Rabbit. 2 Kent & Stowe
transplanting trowel, $15.98, from Mitre 10. 3 Stainless
three-tine hand fork, $29.95, from Gubba.




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