Los Angeles Times - 27.08.2019

(Sean Pound) #1


1 Makes a hasty getaway
5 Insect stage after larva
9 Bathroom wall piece
13 Not many
14 Umpires’ decisions
16 Cabinet dept. with a
windmill on its seal
17 Toy on a track
19 Volcanic output
20 WWI French soldier
21 Almanacs, calendars,
23 Drag one’s feet
24 Native growth in an
Asian orchard
25 Philosopher __-tzu
27 Mme., in Madrid
28 Money for the poor
32 Ancient colonnade
35 Bumper sticker word
39 Grilling accessory
42 Award for “Green Book”
43 Spanish appetizer
44 Ward of “Once
and Again”
45 Korean soldier
47 Springsteen’s
“Born in the __”
49 Result of too-tight
jeans, perhaps
54 TV monitoring device
59 Directed
60 Maine college town
61 “Star Trek” helmsman
62 Blather, and a phonetic
hint to the four other
longest answers
65 “The Time Machine”
66 Gave an address
67 Foul mood
68 Director Gus Van __
69 Laundry blemish
70 Red and Coral,
but not pink

1 Reading lights
2 Underway, to Sherlock
3 TV, radio, newspapers,
4 “Great!”
5 Interest rate fig.
6 Short-lived Egypt-Syr.
7 __ del Rey: L.A. beach

8 Roswell crash victim,
9 Stretch the truth
10 “... bombs bursting __”
11 Protective river
12 Clear from the
15 Hitches
18 Temporary calm
22 Composer Ned
24 Sacred choral piece
26 Volcanic output
28 Latin “I love”
29 French article
30 Rock’s Fleetwood __
31 Tropical food that
has a five-point
shape when sliced
33 U.K. singer Rita __
34 Intensify
36 Hot time on the Riviera
37 Cartoon frame
38 La-la lead-in
40 Square root of neuf
41 Western treaty gp.
46 “Trick” joints
48 Declare openly
49 Exodus leader

50 Throat dangler
51 Serious criminal
52 Subs at the office
53 “Hop __”: Dr. Seuss
55 In a foul mood
56 “Stormy Weather”
singer Lena
57 Mumbai’s land
58 Twitter updates
63 Ring ref ’s decision
64 To this point





BLISS By Harry Bliss


Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.


ARGYLE SWEATER By Scott Hilburn MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson


By Paul Coulter © 2019 Tribune Content Agency

Edited By Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

SPEED BUMP By Dave Coverly


Aries(March 21-April 19):
Goal setting is not a one-
size-fits-all kind of matter.
Each goal is different, and
different approaches work
for different people at differ-
ent times.
Taurus (April 20-May
20): Something may sound
good or look good on paper,
but if it doesn’t work well in
real life, it doesn’t work pe-
Gemini(May 21-June 21):
You don’t have to be the best
in the whole world. You only
have to be the best among
the current competition.
Cancer(June 22-July 22):
You belong. But where?
With the right attitude, you
can belong anywhere you
happen to go.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):
Learn who people really are,
and don’t mentally bestow
them with powers they do
not possess.
Virgo(Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

Entitlement causes people
to assume other people are
there to serve them. Entitle-
ment causes relationship
imbalance. Steer away from
entitled people.
Libra(Sept. 23-Oct. 23):
You can put yourself in envi-
ronments that are more
likely to have healthier
choices available to you in all
things, including love.
Scorpio(Oct. 24-Nov. 21):
Some of your favorite people
are people you met through
relationships that weren’t
half as strong.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-
Dec. 21): It’s pretty challeng-
ing to settle an active mind
on the needs and wants of
others. A still mind can eas-
ily be led to whatever task
you need it to take on.
Capricorn(Dec. 22-Jan.
19): Listen carefully and act
on what you hear, and you’ll
have an advantage that few
can claim.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.
18): You’re not getting what
you want out of a situation,

but neither are you bitter
about it. You’re curious,
more than anything.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March
20): Leave the long-term
goals for another day. Today
you will excel with short-
term assignments and situa-
tions that have a definite
Today’s birthday(Aug.
27): You’ve an incredible tal-
ent for knowing when to piv-
ot and when to persevere.
You’ll dazzle your friends in
September and ride a wave
of popularity into the new
year. This is good for busi-
ness, and the final months of
2019 are especially lucrative.
You’ll exchange beautiful
promises with a special per-
son in 2020. Sagittarius and
Gemini adore you. Your
lucky numbers are: 3, 39, 4, 42
and 18.

Holiday Mathis writes
her column for Creators
Syndicate Inc. The
horoscope should be
read for entertainment.


By Holiday Mathis

“Are you and Wendy still
having trouble on defense?”
I asked Cy the Cynic.
“She said I sabotaged us
in this deal,” Cy said, dis-
playing today’s layout. “I
guess she was right, for
Against three hearts,
Wendy led the king of spades
as West, and Cy signaled
with the nine. Wendy duly
led the ace and a third
“I ruffed,” Cy said, “but all
I could do was take my ace of
clubs. South made his bid,
and Wendy was irate. She
said I’d crossed her up.”
Cy’s nine of spades was
wrong. He wants a club shift,
not more spades, hence he
should signal “attitude” with
his deuce. If Wendy shifts to

a club, Cy takes two clubs
and returns a spade. Wendy
takes the jack and ace and
leads a fourth spade, and Cy
overruffs dummy with his
jack and leads a third club,
promoting Wendy’s queen of
trumps. Down three instead
of making three!
Don’t mislead your part-
ner. Let your signals direct
the defense.
Question: You hold: ♠A
KJ 6 ♥Q 7 ♦9 7 6 3 2 ♣7 5.
Your partner opens one
heart, you bid one spade and
he rebids two hearts. The
opponents pass. What do
you say?
Answer: This case is
close. Your partner has at
least six cards in hearts (he
would never be obliged to re-
bid a five-card suit in this
auction), and you have a use-
ful queen and a possible ruff-
ing value in clubs. Bid three

hearts, especially if vulnera-
ble with more to gain by
making a game.

South dealer
Both sides vulnerable

♠8 5 4
♥10 8 6 5
♦A K J 4
♣K 10
♠A K J 6 ♠9 2
♥Q 7 ♥J 2
♦9 7 6 3 2 ♦8 5
♣7 5 ♣A Q 9 8 6 3
♠Q 10 7 3
♥A K 9 4 3
♦Q 10
♣J 4
1 ♥ Pass 2♦ Pass
2 ♥ Pass 3 ♥ All Pass

Opening lead — ♠K

Tribune Media Services


By Frank Stewart

Dear Amy:My dad is a rac-
ist. We’ve had big fights
about his bigotry. I’m his
only daughter. Our relation-
ship is already strained from
his alcohol and opioid addic-
tion and my unstable and
abusive childhood. He’s ne-
ver apologized or taken re-
sponsibility for anything
he’s done.
My parents raised us on
the West Coast. I have a lot of
cousins, aunts, uncles, etc., I
don’t know well who live in
the Midwest.
Recently, my cousin (on
his side) posted a picture of
herself and her African-
American boyfriend on
My dad posted a racist
comment. My cousin retali-
ated with a public Facebook
post calling out his nastiness
for everyone to see. I pri-
vately messaged her, telling
her how sorry and embar-
rassed I was for his inexcus-
able behavior.
I texted my dad angrily,
telling him how it’s not OK to
make racist comments, and
especially not to his niece.
He justified and deflected
his actions, as he’s always
done, and I stopped talking
to him.
I want to cut him out of
my life completely because
I’m just so sick of having to
tolerate all of his bad behav-

At the same time, I feel
guilt and an obligation to
talk to him because he lives
alone and only talks to a cou-
ple of people.
He’s my dad. You’re sup-
posed to love your parents.
What if I can’t love him?
Fed-up Daughter

Dear Fed Up: He’s your
dad, and you’re supposed to
love him.
You are his daughter, and
he’s supposed to love you.
His actions aren’t loving.
Using blame and guilt to
control you — this is the
masterwork of an addict,
and it is your unfortunate
burden to be the daughter of
a mean-spirited, racist man.
You say your dad is alone,
but he’s not. He uses social
media as a way to connect
with people.
When faced with an out-
rage shared on social media,
generally I believe it’s wisest
to respond proportionally
on the same channel. In-
stead, you apologized pri-
vately. Cleaning up after
your father is essentially en-
abling him. If you don’t want
to be associated with his
public racism, then publicly
say so.
You would benefit from
connecting with a “friends
and family” support group
such as Al-anon. The best
way for you to love him might

be to demonstrate the
“tough” kind — where you at-
tach proportional conse-
quences to his behavior.

Dear Amy:I am a widow
and a senior citizen fre-
quently included in family
dinner outings. These din-
ners include children and
other adults, who often have
several drinks.
The bill gets divided
among the adults.
After one outing my
share came to $30, when I
only had a slice of pizza.
When I expressed my
concern to my son, it fell on
deaf ears.
What to do?
Widow Mom

Dear Mom: Who raised
these characters who would
scam money from their mom
after a night out?
Evidently you are sup-
posed to be so grateful to be
included in these outings
that you would pick up the
drinks tab.
If you can’t assert your
right to only pay for your
share, next time, at the very
least, ask your waiter to
please give you a separate
check. Unlike your kids, the
waitstaff are happy to oblige.

Send questions to Amy
Dickinson by email to ask
[email protected].


Afflicted with racist father

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