Tamiya Model Magazine – September 2019

(Dana P.) #1
TMMI 287 TMMI 287 September 2019September 2019 55

which camouflage pattern to
choose. Wingsy Kits provide
a large sheet of decals
for four really interesting
Claudes. I decided that my
model would represent a
machine piloted by Matsuo
Hagiri. My choice may be
boring for many of you,
because it's already been
done by many modellers
around the world, but for
me it has always been
associated with this plane. I
simply could not choose any
different camouflage pattern
for this model.
I started the painting
work with the foundation for
the 'silver'. Firstly, I covered
the whole model with
Tamiya X-1 Black (gloss), to
later attain a nice metallic
gloss finish, proving to be
the perfect base for ALC-101
Alclad 2 Aluminium. I
applied this in two to three
thin layers, to have more
control over the colour and
coverage of the black.

In this model I almost
completely gave up the
decals (I cut only the
characters of the w-102
code and the white writing
on the nameplate from the
sheet). The next struggle
was masking: vertical,
horizontal, black, white and
red stripes. I made masks
for the hinomaru marking
using Olfa’s CMP-1 tool.
To make the work easier, I
attached the engine cowling
and undercarriage to the

The standard kit cockpit is well
detailed and responds well to
shading and colour-washes

Propellers get
dirty too! Here we
can appreciate the
author’s application
of dirt build-up
around the hub

Dirty stains at the wing roots were applied by airbrush

The ventral drop-tank
was treated to extra
weathering to depict
dust that has adhered
to fuel leaks

model at the very end. In
doing this, I had easier
access during the masking
and painting of the wings.
I started weathering the
model with the application
of a colour-wash’. For this
purpose, I used the specifics
of the AK Interactive's
Paneliner AK2072. Because
of the numerous rivets and
panel boundaries on the
surface, I applied the Black
Wash to the entire surface of
the model, and then gently
rubbed off, so that the dark
colour remained only in the
hollows in the plastic.U
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