Spin-Off – September 2019

(singke) #1

78 Spin Off • http://www.interweave.com


Row 6 Ch 2, hdc in first tr, *2 hdc in next ch-3 sp,
hdc in next hdc, hdc in next tr; rep from * across, hdc in
top of tch, turn.

Lace patt #2 (multiple of 4 sts + 6)
Ch 18 for swatch.
Set-up row: Hdc in 2nd ch from hook and in each
ch across, turn—17 hdc.
Row 1 Ch 3 (counts as dc throughout), 2 dc in first
hdc, *sk next 3 sts, V-st (see above) in next st, sk next 3
sts**, sh (see above) in next st; rep from * across, ending
last rep at **, 3 dc in last st, turn—2 V-sts, 1 sh, 6 dc.
Row 2 Ch 3, dc in first dc, *sh in next ch-1 sp, sk
next 2 dc**, V-st in next dc; rep from * across, ending last
rep at **, 2 dc in top of ch-3, turn—2 sh, 1 V-st, 4 dc.
Row 3 Ch 3, 2 dc in first dc, *sk next 3 dc, V-st in
next dc**, sh in next ch-1 sp; rep from * across, ending
last rep at **, 3 dc in top of tch, turn—2 V-sts, 1 sh, 6 dc.
Rows 4–5 Rep Rows 2–3.
Row 6 Ch 2, hdc in next 3 dc, hdc in next ch-1
sp, *hdc in next 7 dc, hdc in next ch-1 sp; rep from *
across, hdc in tch, turn—17 hdc.

Lace patt #3 (multiple of 11 sts + 7)
Ch 29 for swatch.
Set-up row: Hdc in 2nd ch from hook and in each
ch across, turn—28 hdc.
Row 1 Ch 1, sc in first hdc, *ch 1, sk next 4 hdc**,
lg fan (see above) in next hdc, ch 1, sk next 4 hdc, sc in
next 2 hdc; rep from * across, ending last rep at **, sm
fan (see above) in last st, turn—2 lg fans, 1 sm fan, 5 sc.

Row 2 Ch 1, sc in first tr, *ch 3, sk next ch-2 sp and
next tr, dc in next ch-2 sp**, ch 4, dc in next ch-2 sp, ch
3, sk next tr and next ch-2 sp, sc in next tr; rep from *
across, ending last rep at **, ch 1, tr in last sc, turn—3
sc, 2 ch-4 sps, 1 tr.
Row 3 Ch 6 (counts as tr and ch 2), (tr, ch 2, tr) in
first tr (counts as sm fan), ch 1, *2 sc in next sc, ch 1, lg
fan in next ch-4 sp, ch 1; rep from * across, sc in last sc,
turn—2 lg fans, 1 sm fan.
Row 4 Ch 7 (counts as tr and ch 3), sk next 2 tr, *sc
in next tr, ch 3, sk next ch-2 sp, dc in next ch-2 sp, ch 4,
dc in next ch-2 sp, ch 3, sk next tr; rep from * across, sc
in 4th ch of beg ch-6, turn—3 sc, 2 ch-4 sps, 1 tr.
Row 5 Ch 1, sc in first sc, ch 1, *lg fan in next ch-4
sp, ch 1, 2 sc in next sc, ch 1; rep from * across, sm fan
in 4th ch of beg ch 7, turn—2 lg fans, 1 sm fan.
Row 6 Rep Row 2.
Row 7 Ch 2, hdc in first dc, *3 hdc in next ch-3 sp,
hdc in next sc**, 3 hdc in next ch-3 sp, hdc in next dc,
2 hdc in next ch-4 sp, hdc in next dc; rep from * across,
ending last rep at **, turn.

With CC, ch 50.
Set-up row (WS) Hdc in 3rd ch from hook
(skipped 2 ch count as hdc now and throughout), hdc
across, turn—49 hdc.
Rows 1–3 Rep Rows 1–2 of hdc patt, ending last
rep with Row 1.
First Lace Section
Work Rows 1–6 of lace patt #1.
Work Rows 1–2 of hdc patt.
Second Lace Section
Work Rows 1–6 of lace patt #2.
Work Rows 1–2 of hdc patt.
Third Lace Section
Work Rows 1–7 of lace patt #3.
Work Rows 1–2 of hdc patt.
Work Row 1 of hdc patt.
Fourth Lace Section
Rep Rows 1–5 of lace patt #1
Rep Row 2 of lace patt #1
Rep Row 6 of lace patt #1.
Work Rows 1–2 of hdc patt.
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