Daily Mail - 23.08.2019

(ff) #1

Daily Mail, Friday, August 23, 2019 Page 29

‘Grenfell ghoul’ cleared

af ter evidence blunders

Daily Mail Reporter

Judge’s fury as key interviews

with police are only revealed

as she is about to give verdict

A PROPERTY millionaire
who filmed an effigy of
Grenfell Tower being burned
was cleared yesterday after
blunders meant key evidence
had not been revealed.
Paul Bussetti, 47, was accused of
‘making a mockery’ of the 72
victims of the inferno after a video
of the bonfire was posted on
YouTube last year.
In the clip, a group of men and
women laugh and shout ‘help me’
and ‘jump out of the window’ as the
cardboard effigy and its figures are
engulfed in flames.
Prosecutors argued the video was
grossly offensive and fuelled by racist
humour, insisting the figures on the
side of the model depicted black and
Muslim occupants of the tower.
But as the judge was preparing to

give her verdict, at the end of a nine-
month criminal investigation, it dra-
matically emerged that two key
police interviews that supported the
defence had never been disclosed to
Mr Bussetti’s legal team.
Mr Bussetti, co-owner of an £8mil-
lion block of flats in south-west Lon-
don, had told Westminster magis-
trates’ court the incident was intended
as a joke. He said the figures on the
side of the effigy were actually mock-
ing versions of his friends.
The father of two was charged
with sending an offensive communi-
cation after sharing the video to two
WhatsApp chat groups.
A second video was filmed by another
partygoer, Peter Hancock, and this
was also shared with friends. One of
the two videos was then leaked on
YouTube, sparking outrage.
Yesterday, Chief Magistrate Emma
Arbuthnot cleared Mr Bussetti
because she could not be sure that it
was his video on YouTube.
The judge was deeply critical of
Scotland Yard and the Crown Prose-
cution Service over failures to disclose

key evidence to the defence. The
maker of the effigy, Steve Bull, and Mr
Hancock, had both told the Metro-
politan Police that the model figures
were intended to depict their friends.
Mr Hancock also told officers that
he had filmed the bonfire and sent
that clip to friends. He has never
faced criminal prosecution and was
not called to give evidence.
Upon hearing the fresh evidence,
the judge cleared Mr Bussetti
because the prosecution had failed to
prove the case against him.
‘I can’t be sure the video relied on
by the Crown is the one taken by the
defendant’, she said. ‘I can’t be sure
the cut-out images are not his friends.
I’m just appalled at the disclosure in

this case.’ Judge Arbuthnot said it
was only the vigilance of prosecutor
Philip Stott that had averted a
‘potential miscarriage of justice’, as
she demanded a full explanation.
Defence barrister Mark Summers
QC said in light of the revelations:
‘[It is] outrageous that anyone know-
ing this sat through the cross-exami-
nation and let it continue.’
During the trial, racist messages Mr
Bussetti, from South London, had
received and shared were shown. But
Mrs Arbuthnot said they were not
enough to ‘fill the holes’ in the prose-
cution, and he denied being racist.
The fiasco comes after a string of
sexual assault cases collapsed when
evidence emerged at the last minute.

You can’t quill me that easily!

Blind hedgehog stolen by van

thieves is found four days later

GIVEN that he had been
kidnapped and left on his
own for four days, you
would expect him to be
feeling a bit prickly.
But Stephen the blind hedge-
hog is already back to his usual
self after being reunited with
his owners.
‘As soon as he heard my voice
he came straight to the front of
the box and put his nose in the
air,’ said Frank Tett, 80, after
his pet hedgehog was found
near a park in Leeds.
He had feared the worst when
Stephen was taken along with
his van on Saturday morning in
Leeds. But on Wednesday his
wife, Veronica, 78, received a
call to say the hedgehog was
alive and well. Mr Tett said: ‘We

had both come to the realisa-
tion that he was probably dead.
Miracles do happen. I think he
had been watered and fed a bit
because he was not starving
when we collected him.’
Mr Tett said he had travelled
thousands of miles with
Stephen – who was sprayed
with chemicals and blinded this

year – to shows and markets to
raise money for Andrew’s
Hedgehog Hospital, which the
couple run from the village of
Appleby near Scunthorpe.
Stephen, who is just over a
year old, had been taken to a
market in Albion Street, Leeds,
to raise awareness about hedge-
hogs when Mr Tett’s Vauxhall
Combo van was stolen.
He was found by a couple near
a park in Middleton, Leeds,
alongside a bag of the charity’s
business cards.
Mr Tett said: ‘The couple
had taken him back home and
said they couldn’t just leave
him there.
‘We did offer them a reward,
but they said “don’t be silly”
and instead gave our charity a
donation. They were lovely.’
He added that the van has
still not been found.

Safe and sound: Stephen

Cleared: Paul Bussetti and the effigy of Grenfell Tower

By Arthur Martin

‘I’m appalled at
the disclosure’
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