Daily Mail - 23.08.2019

(ff) #1

Page 30 Daily Mail, Friday, August 23, 2019


hey are the most famous
catchphrases in British TV
history, and there are so
many of them: ‘Stupid boy!’
‘Don’t panic!’ ‘We’re doomed,

I tell ye!’ ‘My sister Dolly.. .’ ‘Do you
think that’s wise, sir?’ ‘Uncle Arthur

.. .’ ‘They don’t like it up ’em!’
But how will these immortal words sound,
spoken by new actors?
Judge for yourself, when three lost epi-
sodes of Dad’s Army recreated for TV are
screened from Sunday — and, thanks to
these previously unseen, behind-the-scenes
images, you can see how the beloved old
characters are being brought back to life.
every one of those classic catchphrases
earned a cheer during recording at Pine-
wood Studios earlier this year in front of a
live audience. ‘The cheering was so loud,’
says Kevin eldon, who plays Corporal Jones
(originally played by Clive Dunn), ‘we had to
stop the recording and politely ask them to
try to tone down their reaction.’
The recreated episodes will be aired on the
Gold channel, one a day at 8pm this Sunday,
Monday and Tuesday. But can a new genera-
tion of comedy actors really capture these
characters who, over five decades, have
become part of our national fabric?

Stupid boy! Hapless youngster
Private Pike wrestles with a fire
extinguisher in the Under Fire
episode, before the eternally

exasperated Captain Mainwaring
steps in to show him how to use it,
with the result that he ends up with
a faceful of foam (right).

by Christopher


Old favourites:
The new cast
filming in the
recreated set,
in front of a
audience so
they had to be
asked to stop
cheering at the

you can decide for yourself,
from these production pictures.
Anyone with even a slight
knowledge of the show will be
able to spot Jonesy, Walker and
Pike on their bicycles. While Kevin
McNally (in pyjama bottoms) is

the spitting image of Arthur Lowe
as Captain Mainwaring.
True, it’s strange at first to view
those rumpled home Guard
uniforms in high definition. But
throughout every episode you’ll be

laughing, not just at the accuracy of
the portrayals but at the brilliance
of dialogue unheard for 50 years.
The first episode charts the
platoon’s frantic efforts to prevent
wide-boy Walker from being called

up into the regular Army — because
losing him means losing the black
market sugar, whisky and ladies’
nylons he supplies.
The second pits Private Frazer,
the dour Scottish undertaker,

against gung-ho Lance-Corporal
Jones as they vie for promotion.
The third sees an incendiary
bomb come crashing through the
roof of the church hall.
While the cast are new, the scripts


Dad’s Army’s back with three

new episodes. The verdict? As

these backstage snaps show...

Pictures: UKTV
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