maginea closet stuffed with a billion envelopes. One has
a check for $100,000 inside. Do you go hunting?
Anthony Lipmann does. One in a billion is the concen-
tration in the Earth’s crust of an element named rhenium, part
of a group of so-called minor metals notable for two reasons:
They’re exceedingly difficult to obtain, and they’re spectac-
ularly important for certain industries. That’s why Lipmann
loves them—the more technology frees us from our earthly
bonds, the more we discover how linked we are to forms of
nature we didn’t know existed.
Lipmann is a scavenger. Based just outside London, he
makes his living in the hinterlands of commodities, finding
the stuff most can’t and picking up what others discard. His
businessmodelis deceptivelysimple:Identifysomethingrare
tellurium,hafnium,tantalum, and tungsten, to name a few—
is stored in warehouses in the U.K. and other European coun-
tries, ready to go at a moment’s notice. “My guiding principle
is demand,” he says. “If someone wants something to put in
a product, even if it’s toxic or radioactive, if it’s genuinely
needed for an industrial purpose and not a weapon, I think
that’s a legitimate reason to get involved.”
Thallium is a good example, though it’s not something
Lipmann stores because it’s not nice stuff. Once a rat poison,
it’s found new uses in the technological age, including in the
lenses of high-end document scanners. But it’s strictly con-
trolled in many countries due to its extreme toxicity. So when
Nippon Sheet Glass Co. realized it needed some, executives at
the Japanese company reached out to Lipmann Walton & Co.
It took two years to track down a trove of thallium that had
been produced in Kazakhstan in the early 1980s, then some-
how found its way to a warehouse in Rotterdam. European
Union regulations meant it couldn’t be moved, but after about
a year of jostling and a nighttime mission to repackage the
goods, it started making its way to Japan. The cargo traveled
in batches, but each ton went a long way, so the Japanese
were happy. “I get a huge kick now out of scanning a piece of
paper,” says Lipmann, who was paid $9 million for his trou-
bles. “There might be a bit of thallium we supplied in it.”
The end of July found him in northern Chile. Standing on
the edge of Chuquicamata, one of the world’s largest open-pit
copper mines, Lipmann watched massive trucks hauling hun-
dreds of tons of rock across the floor below. From that height,
oneslikecopper.ChileclaimstheNo.1 spotintherhenium
league tables, with Codelco supplying about 7% of the world’s
output last year, most of it from its Chuquicamata mine.
Rhenium is silvery-gray, extremely dense, and heat-resistant.
A small quantity combined with nickel produces a superal-
loy that enables blades in jet engines to withstand very high
temperatures without stretching. This makes turbines more
efficient, which is why demand for the metal has been rising.
Prices were 12 times higher about a decade ago, so companies
Lipmannata rheniumprocessingplantinChile
◼ Hafnium $775/ kg Hafnium,unwrought
◼ Tantalum $245/ kg 99.95% tantalummetal f.o.b.,China market
◼ Tungsten $200/ MTU* 88.5%tungsten APT, Rotterdam
◼ Rhenium $2,844 / kg Engelhard spot
Rhenium Bug
By Eddie van der Walt, Mark Burton,
and Laura Millan Lombraña
Anthony Lipmann is majorly into minor
metals, and he’ll go anywhere to find them
Photographs by Cristóbal Olivares *METRIC TON UNIT