2019-09-01 Rolling Stone

(Greg DeLong) #1

80 | Rolling Stone | September 2019


the heat can be dissipated (that’s why your body
is warm to the touch). Without a cooling mecha-
nism, just our basic metabolism would result in
about a 2°F hourly rise in body temperature. We
wouldn’t even make it through the day.
If the equilibrium between body temperature
and the outside world gets too far out of whack,
the body quickly deploys its only emergency
heat-release system: It sweats. For sweating to be
effective, however, the water has to evaporate.
High humidity is uncomfortable
(and potentially deadly) because
the air, already filled with water,
has little capacity to add more, so
the sweat simply sits on the surface.
The loss of water through sweat
is itself a health hazard. The aver-
age person contains roughly 40 li-
ters of fluid. On a hot day, when
the body is struggling to keep from
overheating, a person can easily
lose a liter of sweat per hour. When
the body is down one liter, basic
functions are impaired. When it’s
down five, fatigue and dizziness set
in. Ten liters disturbs hearing and
vision and you will likely collapse
— a condition known as heat stress.
But if it’s hot and humid enough,
even drinking plenty of water won’t
help. As the body’s temperature
rises, it tries to cool itself by pump-
ing more and more blood to cap-
illaries under the skin. The heart
pumps faster, the chest pounds,
the pulse races. As the body loses
water, our blood becomes thick-
er and harder to propel. When the
body temperature hits 103°F or so,
the metabolism will be running flat
out in an emergency effort to dump heat. Even-
tually, the most vital organs can’t keep up, and
the body’s neurological system begins to col-
lapse. At 105°F, the body is in serious trouble.
The brain swells, often causing hallucinations
and convulsions. Pupils become dilated and
fixed. Sweating stops, and the skin feels hot and
dry to the touch. At that point, if the body tem-
perature isn’t lowered immediately by emergen-

have literally never lived on a planet as hot as it
is today,” says Wehner. A 5.4°F-warmer world
would be radically different from the one we
know now, with cities swamped by rising seas
and epic droughts turning rainforests into des-
erts. The increased heat alone would kill signif-
icant numbers of people. A recent report from
the University of Bristol estimated that with 5.4°F
of warming, about 5,800 people could die each
year in  New York due to the heat, 2,500 could
die in Los Angeles, and 2,300 in Miami. “The re-
lationship between heat and mortality is clear,”
Eunice Lo, a climate scientist at the University
of Bristol and the lead author of the report, tells
me. “The warmer the world becomes, the more
people die.”


fused scientists and philosophers
for centuries. In Greek mytholo-
gy, heat was controlled by Ankh-
iale, the goddess of warmth.
Eighteenth-century chemist An-
toine Lavoisier believed heat was an invisible
fluid, known as the caloric, that flowed from
hotter bodies to colder bodies. It wasn’t until
the mid-19th century that scientists understood
that when you feel heat, what you’re really feel-
ing is energy released by the vibration of mole-
cules. The faster something vibrates, the higher
its temperature, and the more energy it releas-
es. The sun is a big ball of hydrogen that burns
at about 10,000°F and releases vast amounts of
energy into space, which travels in the form of
waves until colliding with something, such as
a rock or a building or a human being. That, in
turn, speeds up the vibrations within that ob-
ject. These accelerating vibrations are what we
humans sense as “getting hotter.”
Not surprisingly, heat regulation is one of the
body’s most important functions. One way to
think about the human body is as a giant multi-
cellular heat engine that strives to maintain a
constant internal state of 98.6°F. The very pro-
cess of living — of eating, breathing, moving,
thinking, having sex — generates heat. The out-
side air is usually lower than 98.6°F, so our bod-
ies release heat, mostly by circulating blood to
capillaries close to the surface of our skin, where

cy cooling measures such as being packed in ice
or a plunge into cold water, the person could die
of heatstroke.
The psychological impacts of extreme heat
are obvious to anyone who’s ever felt cranky on
a hot day. But the impacts go beyond crankiness.
When temperatures rise, suicide rates can go up
at a pace similar to the impact of economic re-
cessions. Some aspects of higher cognition are
impaired. School test scores decline, with one
study showing decreases across five measures of
cognitive function, including reaction times and
working memory.
The link between heat and violence is partic-
ularly intriguing. “There is growing evidence of
a psychological mechanism that is impacted by
heat, although we can’t yet say exactly what that
is,” says Solomon Hsiang, a professor of pub-
lic policy at Berkeley. Some scientists speculate
that higher temperatures impact neurotransmit-
ters in the brain, resulting in lower levels of se-
rotonin, which has been shown to lead to aggres-
sive behavior. So rising heat may literally alter
the chemistry in our brains. One study showed
that police officers were more likely to fire on in-
truders during training exercises when it was
hot. Andrew Shaver, a professor of political sci-
ence at the University of California, Merced, an-
alyzed data about conflicts in Afghanistan and
Iraq and found that attacks by insurgents involv-
ing RPGs and assault rifles increased with high-
er temperatures, while planned attacks did not.
“During conflicts, higher temperatures seem
to provoke more impulsive aggression,” Shav-
er says. One speculative paper projects that by
2099, due to rising heat, the U.S. could see an ad-
ditional 22,000 murders, 180,000 rapes, 3.5 mil-
lion assaults, and 3.76 million robberies, burglar-
ies, and acts of larceny.


HE CITY OF PHOENIX has no mas-
ter plan to deal with heat, no
radical remaking of the building
codes or zoning laws in place, and
no heat czar who is in charge of
reimagining the city for the 21st
century. Re-engineering a city like Phoenix for
extreme heat is a long-term project that has only
just begun, says David Hondula, a senior sus-
tainability scientist at Arizona State University.
“Think about places like Minnesota, and what
they have done to engineer for cold winters,”
Hondula says. “They have tunnels you walk
through in the winter, the heating systems are
optimized, you drive cars with snow tires and
all-wheel drive. We have done nothing like that
in Phoenix, or in any city, really, when it comes
to thinking about heat. The whole idea of engi-
neering for extreme heat is still in its infancy.”
Retrofitting Phoenix — including reining in
suburban sprawl, revising building codes to im-
prove energy efficiency and ventilation, and cre-
ating greener urban spaces — is certainly imag-
inable, but “if we are going to be serious about
this, a big investment is required,” Hondula says.
“We need billions of dollars.”

“ WWe hhhave eelecttted ooffifficciaalls whhoo ddoonnn’tt

bbeliieeve innn climmmatee cchaannggee,” ssaayys aa PPhhooeenix

aactiivvist. “““Howww doo yyoouu geeet effffeeccttivveee pppooliicy

iif peeooplee are pppushhiingg aaggaainstt iit bbbeecauuuse

ttheyy’’re bbaatshhiit crraazyy?”

38,0 00
Extra deaths predict-
ed to occur per year
because of extreme
heat between 2030
and 2050, according
to the World Health

28 %
How much less
productive the
U.S. economy is
on days above 86°F,
according to a
recent study

5,6 84
Number of people
who died from heat
in the U.S. between
2004 and 2017
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