Publishers Weekly - 02.09.2019

(nextflipdebug2) #1



deciding where to take his own future
along the way.

Las mujeres en el castillo
(The Women in the Castle)
Jessica Shattuck
Malpaso Editorial
ISBN 978-84-947126-6-1
A woman works to fulfill a promise she
made to her husband before he was killed
for opposing Hitler: to reunite the women
and children of the Resistance.

La novena hora
(The Ninth Hour)
Alice McDermott
Libros del Asteroide
ISBN 978-84-17007-40-9
In the aftermath of a suicide, Catholic
Brooklyn of the 20th century attempts
to erase knowledge of the man’s brief
existence through shame and

100 preguntas y respuestas para ser
mejores padres
(100 Questions and Answers to Be Better
Nora Rodriguez
Lectio Ediciones
ISBN 978-84-16918-38-6
This book clears doubts for first-time
parents and aids with handling the ever-
changing emotions of children as they
begin to interact with the world.


La catedral y el niño
(The Cathedral and the Boy)
Eduardo Blanco Amor
Libros del Asteroide
ISBN 978-84-17007-36-2
This coming-of-age story follows young
Luis Torralba as he grows up in Spain
between his parents’ contrasting worlds,

Marc Ribas
Lectio Ediciones
ISBN 978-84-16918-35-5
Prestigious chef Marc Ribas presents
this cookbook containing refreshing,
easy, and affordable recipes for both
beginners and experienced cooks.

El Latin Hit Maker
(The Latin Hit Maker)
Rudy Peréz
Grupo Nelson
ISBN 978-1-404111-10-3
This genuine rags-to-riches story is filled
with inspiration and fascinating details,
and is a powerful reminder of God’s grace
and transforming creativity.

Kristy Motta
Editorial Vida
ISBN 978-1-400213-55-9
A personal growth book for those
looking to live a more enriched life and
stand firm in the unchanging character
of God.

Los tres gibones
(The Three Gibbons)
Edua Kenji Aberdo
Thule Ediciones
ISBN 978-84-16817-24-5
Readers follow along as the three gibbons
encounter various adventures and chal-
lenges, such as avoiding a crocodile, on
their way back home. ■

Select September Spanish-Language Titles

Compiled by leylha ahuile, with desCriptions provided by the publishers

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