Publishers Weekly - 02.09.2019

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Fall Regionals

unique items to other booksellers. In keeping with the emphasis
on makers, NCIBA is launching an art/maker auction to benefit
the Book Industry Charitable Foundation. The auction will
open online and then become a silent auction on Saturday after-
noon, when the exhibit hall is open. Among the items available
for bidding are original art by children’s book illustrators David
Shannon and Rosemary Wells. Sales rep and children’s book
author Andy Weiner is offering four neon objects created by
Bill Concannon for Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith’s The True Story
of the Three Little Pigs. Also look for cut-paper art by Ann Seaton,
operations director of NCIBA.

SCIBA Fall Trade Show
Sept. 27–28
The Sheraton Los Angeles San Gabriel
(San Gabriel, Calif.)

● After moving around the region, the
Southern California Independent
Booksellers Association returns to San
Gabriel, home to the Mission San
Gabriel Arcángel (founded in 1771),
for the second year in a row. And
depending on how the voting goes at
the annual meeting, this could be the
last separate Southern California show:
SCIBA members could decide to join
forces with their colleagues to the
north at NCIBA to create a united
California regional association, or
simply choose to hold a joint California
show following the model that MIBA
and GLIBA have perfected since
launching the inaugural Heartland
Fall Forum in 2012. Once again, the
show will take place over the course of
two full days, with the exhibit hall
open from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on both
Friday and Saturday.

● SCIBA executive director Andrea
Vuleta likes to shake things up by
inviting authors who may be known
for one type of writing and having
them appear for a new book in a dif-
ferent genre. L.A.-based writer Walter
Mosley is a case in point; he may be
best known for his Easy Rawlins mys-
tery series, but he will be at Saturday’s
Awards Luncheon promoting a work
on craft, Elements of Fiction (Grove).
Children’s author Julie Berry will




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