Great Destination Weddings

(Grace) #1

Sail away with me,

The beautiful Whitsundays are known for their 74 islands that dot the
Coral Sea like emeralds in a silver necklace – where better to set sail with
your true love on your lifetime adventure?

The Whitsundays has an abundance of vessels to carry you away into a
watery wonderland where you can marry on board with the gentle splash
of water on the bow and the lazy creaking of the boat, or on a deserted
beach with the two of you, your loved ones and the soft swaying of she-oaks.

There are boats to suit all weddings in the Whitsundays, from rustic and
full of character to super-sleek and streamlined. For the ultimate coastal-chic
wedding, follow these tips from Weddings Whitsundays and tie the knot in
an unforgettable ceremony on the Coral Sea.

    Choosing your celebrant is always a big decision, but when marrying on
    board a boat it’s important to choose a boat-happy celebrant. Make sure
    your celebrant is comfortable on boats and is happy to join you on your
    adventure. There are many sailing-savvy celebrants in the Whitsundays
    because it’s such a popular pastime in the area, so ensure you ask the
    question when doing research. Once your celebrant is “on board” they will
    offer a wealth of knowledge about different vessels and can help point you
    in the right direction.
    The kind of vessel you marry on is obviously key to your wedding day
    and there are literally dozens of choices to suit your vision. If you want a
    whimsical, romantic feel, consider an old timber Tall Ship, whereas a sleek,
    modern powerboat might be more your style if you want a more minimalist
    wedding. There are endless options available so be sure to do research
    online and perhaps narrow it down to one or two vessels to look at. Also
    check the number of crew the boat provides..
    This is obviously important with all weddings because the guests are
    your nearest and dearest after all, but boats are a special kind of venue
    that require a little thinking up front. How many passengers are there
    and would the vessel you have in mind be suitable? Be sure to check the
    number of people the vessel can safely carry. While a brisk sail might suit
    younger guests, it probably won’t suit your gran who suffers from vertigo
    and would prefer a more stable option. Also, consider any family members or
    friends with mobility issues and ask if ramps are available. Also, make sure
    you provide adequate shade – consider an early or afternoon wedding to
    avoid the sun’s harsh rays during the middle of the day – and provide cold
    water for guests before and after the ceremony.

to another land...

“So throw of the bow lines, sail away from the safe

harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore,

dream, discover.” Mark Twain.

Photo by Providence V


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