Daily Mail - 27.08.2019

(Darren Dugan) #1
Daily Mail, Tuesday, August 27, 2019 Page 25


certainly, Elizabeth seemed quite
thrilled afterwards.
Demelza later had an affair with
Lieutenant Hugh Armitage (Josh
Whitehouse) in series three. She
only agrees to his pleas because he
writes poetry and is going blind,
but Ross is heartbroken when they
cavort in the dunes.
Turner played his Poldark as a
blend of Rhett and Mr Rochester,
with a dash of Darcy thrown in.
Moody and tortured, he gave
tremendous good brood; among
his millions of female fans, it did

not go unnoticed. The Poldarks
seemed cursed under a black
moon, while the lumpy porridge of
rural poverty was never far away.
Ross was charged with plundering
and murder. His mines were closed,
his debts mounted, his baby Julia
died of putrid throat.
God it was depressing at times.
But perhaps the most compelling
element of Poldark was the eternal
struggle of the soul; a good man
trying to do his best in a bad world
and his adoration for the woman at
his side. Ross and Demelza. We

could never get enough of
their love story; their foreheads
would touch like lovebirds, there
was the imprint of his head on
her pillow in the morning, the fact
that she forever worried that she
wasn’t a lady and ‘won’t ever be
prinked up to the nines with her
fizzle powdered’.
She spied on her Ross when he
swam in the sea, she soaped him in
his tin bath. And now, just like us,
she has had to say goodbye to him
for a very long time.
How will we all cope?


‘GOOD God, Elizabeth. From the moment I set eyes on you,
no one else existed!’ says Ross to his former love. Now she
is betrothed to another and the sexual tension is rising.
Did a couple ever dance with such an air of danger?


BEWARE the wrath of Demelza. In
the Nampara yard, she floors her
husband with a single punch for his
unfaithfulness. That’ll teach him to
mess with her.



THE squire’s lady
takes pity on the
doomed Lieutenant
Armitage, who is
going blind and
doesn’t have long to
live. They make love
in the sand dunes,
which is perhaps
taking sympathy a
bit too far.


FAREWELL my lovely. Despite their
mutual indiscretions, Ross and
Demelza never stopped loving
each other.



series two when
Ross storms into
Elizabeth’s bed-
room and forces
himself upon his
cousin’s quaking
widow. The BBC
insist the sex was
consensual, and so
does Aidan Turner.

THE whole of Cornwall tittered when
Poldark married his pregnant kitchen
maid, Demelza. But they had the
last laugh by falling deeply in love.

horrified by
Rev Osborne
unforgettable —
for all the wrong
reasons — toe-
sucking scenes
with a prostitute
in series four.



FOREVER beset by troubles at home,
moody Captain Poldark scans the
skies for respite from his woes. Who
knows what the future might bring
for this cat in a tricorn hat?


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