Daily Mail - 27.08.2019

(Darren Dugan) #1
Page 54 Daily Mail, Tuesday, August 27, 2019

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HI, OSCAR, Does climate
change affect us
astrologically? Tracey
HI TRACEY, It’s imperative that
we take care of mother
earth. But it’s unlikely that
increased carbon dioxide will
profoundly affect the other

planets. Perhaps, as sea
levels rise, Neptune’s
influence will increase!
But, unless we ship so much
excess carbon to the Moon
that its orbit changes, the
principles of my art should be
the same. Best... Oscar

HUMANS aren’t
Neither are they wooden mallets. They
don’t even have superhero powers. We
weren’t put on Earth so we could exert our
will on the world and battle or force our
way through to achieve our goals.
Sometimes we need to call on our
stubborn and determined sides to move
ahead... yet these are last-resort tactics
and there’s a price to be paid in using them.
As your ruler, Mars, makes encouraging
links, all you have to do is be patient.
The Grand Trines bring exceptionally
positive change! There’s great news in your
latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5601.

they want to tell you. Yet it seems that you’re
not as keen to engage in a conversation as
they are. Perhaps you’re not interested in
hearing their views on a certain matter. Or
you don’t feel as if you’re going to gain
anything from the exchange. Yet it’s worth
entering into this dialogue with an open mind;
with the idea of paying them the attention
that you like to receive when sharing
information that’s important to you. You can
find new ways to find common ground today.
This is a powerful week. The Grand Trines
bring powerful potential for transformation.
Find out more. Call 0906 751 5602.

to be competitive from a young age. Sports
days, gold stars, grades. We add up our
successes, subtract our losses, and work
out how we’re ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than
others accordingly. A competition for the
non-competitive might be an idea. The
individual with the clearest record of not
caring about their place in the hierarchy
wins! Recently, you’ve doubted your
position on the scale. If you stop worrying
over silly details, you’ll feel much better.
Wonderful opportunities as a rare series of
Grand Trines energise your life. For
exceptional news, call 0906 751 5603.

IT’S easy to
think life is full
of people who enjoy making other people’s
lives difficult. Perhaps we all have hidden
sadistic sides to our natures; a secret, dark
aspect to our personality which looks at other
folks’ attempts to achieve something and
decides to create an obstacle to scupper their

chances. Luckily such mean-spiritedness is
rare. You take pleasure in helping other
people to achieve their goals. Watch out for
someone who wants to help you make
progress today. With a series of Grand
Trines, you can give yourself the best
present ever: four minutes of priceless
insight. Call 0906 751 5604.
trying to enter
your world, let it. If something needs to
leave, do the same. If you don’t know
where you stand with a particular scenario,
stay still until the answer reveals itself. One
thing to bear in mind is that the cosmic
climate is stirring things up and generating
a pervasive sense of tension. When things
seem more rushed, more immediate and
more challenging than normal, don’t panic.
Just remember today’s essentials are often
tomorrow’s irrelevances. As we approach
an unprecedented series of Grand Trines,
find out how your life can change for the
better. Call 0906 751 5605.
WHAT are you
composed of? What individual trait or quality
constitutes the ‘real you’? The reason I ask
such complex questions is that, with a
plethora of powerful planets in your sign, a
primeval force which has been lying dormant,
is awakening at last. There might be a surprise
or two in store as you re-evaluate yourself
and your life. But you can be confident you’re
on track to becoming the person you were
always meant to be. Be ready to welcome
more joy into your world. What a week!
Mercury joins dynamic Mars and abundant
Venus in your sign. For unmissable
information call 0906 751 5606.

‘MIRROR mirror
on the wall, who
is the fairest of them all?’ We all know what
happened to the Wicked Queen in the story
of Snow White. But her jealousy was
rooted in deep insecurity and self-doubt —
something we tend to overlook. If a magic
mirror were available, we’d all have the
questions we’d like answered and the
knowledge we’d seek. If seeking a life-
changing discovery there’s a good chance
you could find one today. Start by asking
questions which will benefit everyone. The
Grand Trines brings potential for powerful
positive change! There’s great news in your
forecast. Call 0906 751 5607.
a moment
you’re learning to drive. Your instructor sits
you down, points to the accelerator, and
indicates the steering wheel. Then, they
explain the mechanics; how much pressure to
put on the pedal; how to turn the wheel.
Just as they’re about to get to the part of the
lesson where you put your learning into
practice, the time is up. A couple of days later,
feeling confident that you know all you need
to know, you decide to go out for a spin. Yet,
you don’t have the skills you need. Be patient
today. Let the outstanding Grand Trines
guide you to the future you’re silently,
secretly longing for. Call 0906 751 5608.
of us
enjoy being argumentative. Whatever you
say, they’re at pains to put across another
perspective. You can’t help but wonder if
they’re always like that, or if they save
their challenges just for you. Yet, in this
week of Grand Trines, even if you’re

embroiled in a controversy, you have the
power to make it less of a drama. If you are
careful about whom you share your
thoughts with, and follow your heart, you
can fuel a fire that takes you where you
want to go. How will this week’s exceptional
astrological picture transform your life? For
inspiring news, call 0906 751 5609.
are natural worriers. In fact, the only thing
that’s guaranteed to really worry them is
having nothing to worry about at all! Puzzles
keep them engaged. Problems give them
hurdles to leapfrog. A simple life is the one
challenge that would really push them
beyond their limits. As this week progresses,
the solution to someone else’s problem will
become increasingly apparent to you.
Before you bulldoze in to heroically save the
day, be sure to check that your aid is actually
desired. Let the power of the Grand Trines
inspire your future. Call your latest four-
minute forecast: 0906 751 5610.
days, it’s
hard to get away from TV shows that
provide a platform for ‘normal’ people to
become rich and/or famous. It seems
almost anyone can become a celebrity. All
you need do is get the answers right, fall in
love with the right person, sing the right
song or do the right dance. Shows that ask
people to share their wisdom are nowhere
near as popular. Yet surely common sense
and kindness are the greatest virtues? You
can gain rich reward by following your
heart. Use the power of the unique Grand
Trines to change your life. For the key to the
future of your dreams, call 0906 751 5611.
SOME people
are happy to
understand life, rather than to experience it.
They think of it as an academic pursuit; even
feelings and emotions can be plotted on
graphs or boiled down to pie charts. For such
individuals, their hearts can never triumph
over their heads... they’re nervous of
emotions. For Pisceans the reverse is true.
Although that sometimes makes life painful,
it’s more than worth it in order to live life on
the edge, experiencing all the wonders of the
world. Your passion is about to pay off.
Maximise the energy available to you. Let
the extraordinary Grand Trines transform
your world. Call 0906 751 5612.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21

CANCER June 23 - July 23

LEO July 24 - Aug 23

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22

SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 21

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20

GEMINI May 22 - June 22

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20





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