Page 56 Daily Mail, Tuesday, August 27, 2019
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Hero who got me to
the church on time
eith Woodland’s
letter about
accepting a lift
from a stranger
reminded me of
something that happened
in the mid-50s when i was
about eight or nine.
My mother had volunteered
me as a page boy at her best
friend’s daughter’s wedding of.
the fitting for my Little Lord
Fauntleroy outfit was bad
enough, the rehearsal where
the bridesmaid kept
scratching me when nobody
was looking even worse, but
when i was told i was to miss
ABC Minors on the Saturday
morning, i threw a tantrum.
Missing the cartoons, Flash
Gordon and Zorro was adding
insult to injury.
to shut me up, it was agreed i
could go provided i was home
by noon at the latest, but
acting responsibly is not easy
for a small boy. i suppose i
may have torn myself away
from the cinema a bit earlier
than usual but, in any event, as
i got to the bus stop, there was
a queue a mile long and when
the bus arrived that would get
me home in time i couldn’t get
on it. in blind panic i decided
to run home.
After about 20 minutes, with a
This England
Today’s poem
Sign Language
I’d like to think that I’ve
been blessed with much
more talent than the rest.
I write of happiness and
tears, a verbal Vincent
with two ears.
I’m waxing lyrically every
day, I’ll never let my
brain decay.
Poetic justice if there is
Then surely I should be
the biz.
I know the writing’s on the
wall; the famous poets
have to fall.
Before my name can hit the
top, I’ll have to take that
six-foot drop.
I don’t intend to leave this
life, to leave the rewards
of my strife
To others who can’t spare
the time, to think of lots of
words that rhyme.
Artimus Crete,
Bootle, Merseyside.
... and Limerick
Though they warn us about
acid rain,
And world temperatures
getting insane,
Prince Harry and Meg
Must be pulling our leg,
’Cos they constantly travel
by plane.
Paul A. Freeman, Abu Dhabi.
Spotted at Kent County
Cricket Ground,
Beckenham, by Paul
Scudamore, of
London SE19.
TOTAL COVERAGE: Did someone at the Northampton
Chronicle and echo have a ‘top-to-toe’ approach with these
adjacent advertisements?
Linda Calvey, Duston, Northampton.
Write to: Daily Mail Letters,
2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
Private jet set
eLtON JOhN has done us all a great
service by demonstrating the
standards by which many wealthy
Britons live. they have so much
money that it means nothing to
them, and they will never compre-
hend the lives of others.
it appears elton did think that the
public were justified to protest at
the emissions caused by private jet
flights taken by the Duke and
Duchess of Sussex, but this
criticism became invalid when
some more money was spent on
carbon offsetting.
Perhaps if the same sum had been
donated to charities curing trachoma
in Africa, he would have the
satisfaction of saving hundreds of
good people from blindness.
Brynna, Mid Glamorgan.
JUStiFiCAtiON for an all-expenses-
paid holiday at elton John’s villa is
that harry and Meghan have had a
hectic year and been working very
hard. they have several staff
including a nanny and have been on
other holidays.
My definition of a hectic year and
working hard is a young couple on
minimum wage paying a fortune for
child care and not being able to
afford a family holiday.
BRIAN FLETCHER, Filey, N. Yorks.
the criticism of Meghan and harry
for taking private jet flights is unfair.
Well done, Sir elton John, for giving
them a helping hand. imagine the
stress of travelling on a commercial
aircraft with three-month-old baby
Archie? What if they had ended up
with a plane-load of British lager
louts or dozy hen parties that the
rest of us have to endure?
Pity the poor person sitting next
to the Duke and Duchess of Sus-
sex if Archie squawked the whole
journey — most of us know the
exasperation of screaming babies on
a charter flight.
even if Britain achieved carbon
neutral status, it would have little
global effect while india and China
are producing such high levels of
polluting emissions.
it’s time airlines made life bearable
for those who can only afford to
travel economy. Perhaps double size
seats for the obese at an extra cost
and a blacklist of unruly passengers.
Sorry, but if i won the Lottery, the
first thing i’d do would be to fly by
private jet.
CARBON offset used to justify the
use of private jets is a three card trick.
instead of paying £168 to plant trees
to justify flying in this exclusive way,
why not make the charitable contri-
bution and fly with the public? Yo u
still travel to your destination and the
trees have a positive effect instead of
negating damage already done.
G. P. RUSSELL, Wickersley, S. Yorks.
Hot air Brits
i WAS pleased to hear 85 per cent of
British adults are concerned about
global warming (Mail). But then i
considered the evidence of my own
eyes. So many drivers are behind the
wheel of a thumping great 4x4 or
high-performance vehicle with
multiple exhausts.
i suspect being concerned is one
thing, but backing it up with action
is quite another.
Christchurch, Dorset,
On your mettle
iF the Government is spending
millions of pounds a week keeping
British Steel going, why waste £70 mil-
lion in legal fees and promise a further
£900 million in investment to a foreign-
owned pension fund company?
Just nationalise the business and
then ensure the steel required for
future infrastructure projects is
truly British.
HARRY GEORGE, Romsey, Hants.
Backstop bargaining
WhY has the backstop been
portrayed as an insurance policy
when it is a bargaining tool?
the eU want us to stay in, or at
least keep paying.
it also wants to show the other 27
countries how leaving will hurt and
the Republic of ireland wants to
reclaim Northern ireland.
Britain is left with four choices:
Give in to all the eU Brexit trade
demands; give up on Northern
ireland; join Northern ireland as a
vassal sub-set of the eU; or revoke
Article 50.
BEN DAVIS, Lincoln.
ANGeLA MeRKeL has given Boris
Johnson 30 days to sort out the irish
border — or else what? the British
and irish governments have said
they will not build a border, so is the
eU going to send in bricklayers to do
the job, presumably from the irish
HAVE you lost a relative or
friend in recent months whose
life you’d like to celebrate? Our
column on Friday’s letters page
tells the stories of ordinary
people who lived extraordinary
lives. Email a 350-word tribute
to: [email protected] or
write to: Extraordinary Lives,
Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street,
London W8 5TT. Please include a
contact phone number.
I trained visiting seagulls using the
Barbara Woodhouse pecking order!
RESEARCHERS claim that if you out-stare a
seagull, it will not steal your food (Mail).
A pair of herring gulls visit me daily and by
using the Barbara Woodhouse method of
obedience training, I have taught them not
to snatch food.
Barbara was famed for her command ‘Sit!’,
bawled out in Army sergeant-style to a line
of dogs, which achieved instant results. I
have substituted ‘Sit!’ for a stern ‘No!’ backed
up by a raised finger and eye contact.
Alfie, the alpha male seagull, flies down first
and waits for me to put the food bowl on the
doorstep (pictured). On hearing my ‘OK,
come and get it’, he will gobble it all up. He
keeps a watchful eye on Minnie, his mate,
when it’s her turn to feed. This is a big change
from when I first started feeding the gulls.
Alfie, being bigger and domineering, would
devour all of it, leaving Minnie with nothing.
ELIZABETH WRIGHT, Eastbourne, E. Sussex.
stitch in my side, down to
walking pace and barely at the
halfway point, the tears began
to flow.
As i passed a plumber’s yard,
blubbering away, two men
chatting outside the front
gate asked what was
wrong and my tale of woe
poured out.
One of them went into the
yard, got the work’s van out
and drove me home.
All i remember of the journey
was the clattering of assorted
tools and pipes and that i
offered the bus fare, which i’m
sure was refused.
even in those more trusting
days getting into a car with a
stranger was a big taboo, so i
kept quiet about my
wonderful saviour.
indeed, to my eternal shame, i
milked my new-found
reputation for reliability for all
it was worth.
About the wedding, i
remember nothing.
Ian S. Clark,
Freuchie, Fife.
ICE CREAM vans go from
0-30 at quite a lick.
Vincent Hefter,
Richmond, Surrey.
WHEN it comes to birthday
cakes, nobody can hold a
candle up to you.
P. Turberville,
Ashover, Derbyshire.
Out of the mouths of babes
WheN my granddaughter
Brooke was three years old,
she was asked by her
mummy what the Peter
Rabbit book was about.
She was looking at the
pictures after being read to.
Brooke replied: ‘two dead
chickens and stuff ’.
Good explanation, i think!
Christine Wilson,
Southend-on-Sea, Essex.