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TUESDAY, JULY 10, 2018

By Jason Groves Political Editor

Glorious royal christening photos
PLUS souvenir pullout inside

Little Louis,

Kate’s adorable

sleeping cutie

Turn to Page 2

Johnson quits...
and blames May for
‘Brexit dream dying’

He blasts: We
went into battle
waving white flag

Day of chaos
leaves PM facing
fight for survival
THERESA May was fighting for her political
life last night after Boris
Johnson accused her of killing Brexit.
as foreign secretary to declare He used his shock resignation
war on her Chequers plan for

leaving the EU. Warning that the UK was heading for colonial sta-
tus, he said the Brexit dream was ‘dying – suffocated by self-doubt’.
negotiators ‘into battle with the white He claimed Mrs May was sending
flags fluttering above them’ and sur-rendering control to Brussels. Follow-

ing a chaotic day of resignations and rumours, Downing Street is now
braced for a potential leadership chal-lenge. Sources insisted the Prime
Minister would stand and fight for the national interest while her allies
derided Mr Johnson, saying he offered no solutions on Brexit.
resign only after David Davis had quit In a reference to his decision to
as Brexit Secretary on Sunday night,

one said: ‘There’s not much honour in being second over the top.’
Jacob Rees-Mogg last night backed But, in a significant intervention,
Mr Johnson, saying he would make a ‘brilliant’ prime minister.
ing of the pro-Brexit European More than 80 MPs attended a meet-
Research Group, which Mr Rees-Mogg

TUESDAY, JULY 1 0 , 2 018 http://www.daiylmail.co.uk 65p


Glorious royal christening photos
PLUS souvenir pullout inside

Little Louis,

Kate’s adorablle

sleeping cutie

Turn to Page 2

He blasts: We
nt into battle
ving white flag

Day of chaos
leaves PM facing
fight for survival
hiat the alsta-
adm was oubt’.
hsende whiteing^
aFollond suwr--

ing a chaotrumours, Downinic day of rg Streeesignationst is now and
braced lenge. Sources for a potenitinsal leadershisted the Primep chail -
Minister would stand anational interest whnd fight foile her allr the ies
derided Mr no solutionJohnson, sas on Brexit.ying he off ered
resign onlyIn a reference after Davito hd Davis hads idecision toquit^
as Brexit Secretary on Sunday night,

one said: ‘in being second over the top.’There’s not much honour
Jacob Rees-MoBut, in a signggifican last nit^ intgervenht backed tion,
Mr Johnson,‘brilliant’ prime minister.saying hewould make a
inMore than 8g of the pro-Brexit European0 MPs attended a meet-
Research Group, which Mr Rees-Mogg

ByByyyJason Gson Grroves PoliticalEdit


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‘Br‘Br‘‘‘Br‘Brexieeexiexit dt dt dtdt reaream dm ddyinyingggg’ g

fightinTHERETHERESATHEREfightinfightinTHERESAghg fog for hg for hgE eeMay waer poliMay waer poliMatical tical cass
life lalife llife lalife last nighst nighst night nigt aftert aftertaft Boris Boris r
JohnsonJkillingJohnsonJohnsonkillingkillinkillingJohnsonllBrexitBBBrexitBrexitacaccuseaccuse..d her oher of f f
as foreigas foreigas foreigHe used hsHe used He used hused n secrn secretan secretas shocis shock is shock shry to decry to decresignatiresignatito dlarelareonon
war on hewar on hewar on hewar on her Chequerr Chequerr CChequerequers plan fos plan fos plar r

UK was heUK was heleaving tleaving thheeeee EU. Waading forrning thcoloni
‘dying – tus, he s‘dying – tus, he ssufsufaiaiddffocatefd the Brexit dred by selfa-d
negotiatorsnegotiatorsHe claimeHe claimeimeeed ‘‘into battMrs May wasle with ths
rendering crendering cflags fluttflags flutterieririing aboveoooontrol to Bthem’ arussels.
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