Daily Mirror - 27.08.2019

(Grace) #1

(^42) DAILY MIRROR TUESDAY 27.08.2019
■ Iain Duncan Smith’s
proposal to increase the
retirement age to 75 in
the future terrifies me. Is
he going to work until his
mid-70s? Does he have
to think about being fit
enough to work with age-
related conditions?
I doubt it. I do though
because I have multiple
sclerosis and the thought
of having to continue to
work, being a burden to
my colleagues and, in
turn, preventing younger
people from the chance
of a job is frightening.
Joanne Cronin,
■ A story in the Mirror
on Thursday warmed the
cockles of my heart.
Hannah Fraser was
pulled out of GCSE exam
at the last minute by her
dad and taken to hospital
where she was told she
had cancer. Undeterred,
after treatment she
carried on her studies at
home and was rewarded
with seven passes. She’s
now had the all-clear and
is going on to do
A-Levels. What a star!
Sam Johnson,
■ Reading about the
young mother who had
to feed her baby on a
carriage floor as no one
gave her a seat didn’t
surprise me at all (Mirror,
August 23). I’m 81 and
recently had to use a
cane. I received the same
lack of consideration.
It seems that no one
cares for anyone but
themselves these days.
Very sad.
D Hughesdon, London
Not all can
work til 75
that we own. Welcome to Trumpville.
Peter John
Cwmbran, Torfaen
■ What a brilliant article from Peter
Reid. Every Labour supporter should
read it and get behind the party at
the next General Election.
Let’s kick this inept Prime Minister
and his hard right Government out,
including the shame of Liverpool –
the vile Esther McVey.
K R Moreton, Draycott, Derbys
■ What a great piece by Peter Reid.
Our country has never been so
divided and with so much hate, I
hope every politician reads what he
has written then starts to work to
reunite the people of the UK instead
of working for their own interests.
Mick Rutland, Stockton-on-Tees
■ Boris is continually castigated just
for standing up to the EU leadership
on Brexit. Good grief, he is doing
what the previous administration
failed dismally to do in three years.
If we had been this firm from day
one we would have been out by now
and doing what we all need to do,
including the Remoaners, and just
getting on with it. Go for it, Boris!
Harry Miller, New Addington, Surrey
■ Thank you Peter Reid for a great
article. I have never understood
why working class people vote
Conservative when all Tories care
about is their own interests.
They look down on the ordinary
people stupid enough to side with
them over Brexit. The whole sorry
mess is utterly depressing and who
knows where it will end?
C Murray, North London
■ Peter Reid might be a football
manager but he talks more sense
than many of our politicians. Boris
and his millionaire Cabinet will
happily ride roughshod over working
class people at every opportunity
they get.
Chris Banks, via email
Reid hits a winner
for working class
■ I couldn’t agree more with Peter
Reid’s excellent article (Mirror,
August 22).
How Boris Johnson has become
Prime Minister at this crucial time
in our history beggars belief.
If Trump’s blimp is ever flown
again over Westminster, a similar
balloon of Johnson should also be
If we crash out of the EU with no
deal, Johnson and his ragtime band
will be a band on the run for sure.
The problem is they will be long
gone to new pastures as they have
the wealth to prosper.
The main purpose of crashing out
with no deal is to make Britain into
a low tax, low wage economy which
would benefit the wealthy, not the
The public has been duped by the
likes of Johnson, Rees-Mogg and the
right wing media.
Bill Cook, Teignmouth, Devon
■ Peter Reid was a great footballer
and fair play to him with this article.
I agree with every word.
I have never known so many
gullible people. If you don’t know
by now, you’ll soon find out
people like Johnson and Co
have nothing but their own
interests at heart.
That’s if they have a
heart at all. We should
have stayed in the EU
and pushed for reform,
and if that didn’t work
we could have left in a
period that we could
easily manage.
Those who sided with
the establishment by
voting leave have basically
given away most, if not all,
Writing in The Mirror, former Everton and
England footballer Peter Reid warned that
whichever football team you support and
whether you voted to leave or remain, Boris
Johnson will tear working class people and
the country apart. Many of you agree...
Every day we’ll be asking your opinion on one
of Britain’s big talking points. You can have
your say and vote at mirror.co.uk
To have your say, go to m ir ror.c o.u k
How many of our
daily pub quiz
brainteasers did you
manage to get right?
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Pub quiz
or co uo k
Yes. He was unbelievable.
He won us the World Cup
and now he’s single-
handedly kept us in The
Ashes. He should be
SPOTY by a country mile.
Yes. Ben Stokes is
definitely the main
contender for SPOTY.
He’s a living legend.
SPOTY winners have
to be great role models.
Not sure Ben Stokes is
after his brush with the
law for affray last year.
No. SPOTY should go to
Lewis Hamilton who is
having another brilliant F1
season. One of our greatest
ever sportsmen.
Ye s. W h at a g re at
player Ben Stokes is.
He is the absolute
pride of England.
All-rounder Ben Stokes is favourite to win the
BBC Sports Personality of the Year after he
led England to a historic Ashes victory over
Australia in what has been hailed as the
greatest cricket match of all time.
Does Ben Stokes
deserve to win
the SPOTY?
Ye s.
It was the stuff of
legend. Ben Stokes is a
national hero – simply
unbelievable cricket.
Last week’s winner
Today’s picture
It’s a
case of
EU can do,
we can do
Well done to Corinne Hedgecock from Liverpool for
this funny caption to our picture of PM Boris Johnson
during a People’s PMQs on Facebook Live where he
told viewers there was “terrible collaboration”
between anti-Brexit MPs and the EU.
Next week’s photo shows US President Donald
Trump puckering up to German Chancellor Angela
Merkel at the G7 summit in France. Email or send
your funny captions to the address below.

  1. Thomas Hardy

  2. Pacific

  3. Kuwait

  4. c) 3

  5. Richie Cunningham

of the day
Classicist and TV
presenter Mary Beard
on our diminishing
chances of securing a
deal with the EU...
@wmarybeard - I may
well have missed it but
has someone actually
asked Mr Johnson how
in a few weeks we have
gone from no deal
being a million to one to
a deal being touch and
go? What was the

Old Dad’s Army

brilliance AWOL
I was brought up on a weekly dose of Dad’s
Army, so I was really looking forward to
seeing the remake of the lost episodes.
However I can only say that, apart from
the actors who are quite similar to the
original cast, the old brilliance of what
probably was the finest sitcom on British
TV just wasn’t there. But fair due, at least
they tried.
Tom Baxter, Denny, Stirlingshire

McNally as Captain
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