The Washington Post - 29.08.2019

(Joyce) #1



the washington post

thursday, august




The idea that alkaline water
promotes health has been around
for decades. But with new mar-
keting, the same beverage is be-
ing promoted as a performance-
enhancing sports drink that’s at
least double the price of bottled
water. Global sales of alkaline
water are expected to reach
$1 billion this year, according to
food and beverage consultancy
Zenith Global.
But there’s no solid evidence
that these beverages boost en-
ergy, strengthen bones or fight
cancer, or that alkaline water is
any better than other types of
bottled water — or even tap water.
Here’s what you need to know
about this specialty waters.

What exactly is alkaline

The terms acid and alkaline
refer to the pH level of a water-
based solution. The pH scale runs
from 0 to 14, with 0 being com-
pletely acidic, 14 being totally
alkaline and 7 being neutral. Lem-
on juice has a pH of 2, while
baking soda has a pH of 9. Water,
including tap water, has a pH of 7,
or neutral.
Alkaline water has a pH of up
to 8 or 9. It can be naturally
alkaline (for example, spring wa-
ter can contain minerals that
make it more alkaline), or it can
be ionized to make it that way.
Ionized water has been put
through an electrical process
called electrolysis (not to be con-
fused with the hair-removal treat-
ment with the same name). In t his
process, an electrical current is
sent through the water, separat-
ing the molecules into acidic ions
with a positive charge and alka-
line ones with a negative charge.
Then, the acidic ions are si-
phoned off, l eaving behind a more
alkaline water. The water can be
further enhanced or made even
more alkaline by adding alkaline
compounds such as minerals and

How does alkaline water
affect the body’s pH level?

A healthy body does an excel-
lent job of keeping its pH levels
within a narrow range called ac-
id-base balance. For example, the
acid in your stomach and the
alkaline secretions from the pan-
creas work to “even out” t he pH of
food and beverages. And your
lungs and kidneys keep the pH of
your blood tightly regulated be-
tween 7.35 to 7.45. So, whether
your water is more alkaline or
not, it will end up neutralized
once you ingest it.
You wouldn’t want your blood
to be more alkaline or more acidic
than these ranges, anyway, be-

cause that would indicate an un-
derlying health problem. Blood
that is too acidic or alkaline could
be a sign of liver, kidney or lung

What are alkaline water’s
alleged health benefits?
Manufacturers claim alkaline
water can boost energy or hydra-
tion, aid in digestion, or strength-
en bones because it neutralizes
acid in the body. But, as noted
above, your body does a fine job of
neutralizing acid on its own, and
these claims are based on flimsy
One small study funded by an
ionized/alkaline water company
found that blood and urine pH
increased after participants
drank its water for two weeks
compared with a control group of
people who drank non-mineral-
ized bottled water. The values
were still within normal ranges,
however, and there isn’t any evi-
dence to suggest t hat these minor
shifts would promote better
The researchers also claimed
that the alkaline water was more
hydrating because the average
urine output of the experimental
group was lower. But because
fluid intake was self-reported in
this study, we don’t know wheth-
er the two groups took in the
same amounts. As such, we can’t

conclude that urinating less was a
sign of being more hydrated.
Another study of 100 healthy
people funded by an ionized/alka-
line water company found that
drinking the company's water af-
ter exercising in a hot environ-
ment led to a smaller percent
change in a measure of blood
viscosity from baseline compared
with bottled water.
T he researchers proposed hav-
ing thinner blood could help peo-
ple get oxygen more efficiently
after exercise. We don’t know
whether that’s true. We do know
that blood viscosity isn’t a recog-
nized measure of hydration.
There haven’t been any re-
search studies demonstrating a
protective effect of alkaline water
against cancer in humans. And
research on alkaline water and
longevity has only been conduct-
ed on mice, so the findings can’t
be generalized to humans.
Claims that alkaline water may
help with acid reflux is based on
lab research. One study found
that alkaline water with a pH of
8.8 deactivates pepsin, a digestive
enzyme found in the stomach.
What happens in a Petri dish isn’t
indicative of what happens in
your body, so it’s a stretch to say
alkaline water will help with re-
In preliminary studies, alka-
line water (with sodium bicar-

bonate or baking soda in it or
added to it) has been shown to
reduce the concentration of
markers of bone breakdown. This
doesn’t mean consuming it is bet-
ter for long-term bone health,
because this hasn’t been mea-
sured. Researchers have postulat-
ed that bone health effects of
certain types of water could be
due to higher calcium content or
the presence of silica in some
alkaline water. Higher intakes of
silica, a mineral found in quartz,
is linked to higher bone density.
The U.S. Food and Drug Ad-
ministration has denied the use of
claims for health benefits of alka-
line water relating to bone health
due to insufficient evidence.

Potential drawbacks of
ionized and enhanced waters
Not only is alkaline water not
helpful, drinking it may have
drawbacks. Ionized or enhanced
water isn’t necessarily purified.
Make sure water you drink often
is properly filtered and/or from a
clean source without contami-
Though enhanced water may
have some minerals or other nu-
trients added to it, ionized or
processed alkaline water that has
been distilled or filtered via re-
verse osmosis may not contain
any minerals, making it less nu-
tritious; the World Health Or-

ganization advises against regu-
larly consuming water that has
low mineral content because it
could negatively affect your di-
gestive system and cause mineral
loss. Naturally alkaline water or
spring water are better choices
because they typically contain

The bottom line about
alkaline water
Alkaline water isn’t n ecessarily
better. Instead, you should focus
on consuming water that’s fil-
tered and contains minerals and
making sure you’re getting
enough of it. According to the
National Academies of Sciences,
Engineering and Medicine,
healthy sedentary men need
about 15.5 cups of fluid and wom-
en need 11.5 cups of fluid each day
— and you get only about 20 per-
cent of that from food.
In most areas of the country,
you can safely and inexpensively
rely on tap water to fulfill your
fluid needs. You’ll be doing the
environment a favor, too: drink-
ing less bottled water means less
single-use plastic waste.
[email protected]

Christy Brissette is a registered
dietitian, nutrition writer, TV
contributor and president
of Fo llow her
on Twitter @80twentyrule.

There’s no solid evidence alkaline water is better for you


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