허성범은 한양대학교 건축학부를 졸업했다. 스위스 루체른에서 교환유학 후, 취리히의 슈미트 슈네블리 아키텍텐을 거쳐 서울의 김재경
건축연구소에서 실무를 쌓았고, 현재 런던의 맥멀란 스튜디오에서 실무 경험을 이어나가고 있다. 졸업설계인 ‘어반 사파리’는 미스 반 데어 로에
재단이 주관한 영 탤런트 아키텍처 어워드 2018에서 수상했고, 최근 벨기에 브뤼셀의 보자르 종합예술센터에서 발표되었다.
Heo Sungbum graduated from the School of Architecture at Hanyang University and studied in Lucerne, Switzerland. He worked at
Schmid Schnebli Architekten in Zurich and Jae Kim Architects & Researchers in Seoul. He continues his professional career at
Mcmullan Studio in London. His thesis ‘Urban Safari’ was awarded at the Young Talent Architecture Award 2018, organised by
Fundacio Mies van der Rohe and recently announced at the BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels, Belgium.
not as mimicry of nature. The scene from
the inside is no longer dependent on the
city. The Pavilion, which has become its
own unique scenery, functions in the milieu
of a context. Unless the scenery inside
is separated from its surroundings, the
Pavilion is no longer an object belonging
to the museum. This pile of rocks is more
than a simple shelter and exists as a part of
©Iwan Baan
- Foundation Cartier website [www.fondationcartier.com/en/
exhibitions/junya-ishigami] - Serpentine Galley website [www.serpentinegalleries.org]
- Ibid.
- Sebastian Jordahn, ‘Serpentine Pavilion designed to be
“part of surrounding landscape” says Junya Ishigami’,
Dezeen, 2019.
허성범은 한양대학교 건축학부를 졸업했다. 스위스 루체른에서 교환유학 후, 취리히의 슈미트 슈네블리 아키텍텐을 거쳐 서울의 김재경
건축연구소에서 실무를 쌓았고, 현재 런던의 맥멀란 스튜디오에서 실무 경험을 이어나가고 있다. 졸업설계인 ‘어반 사파리’는 미스 반 데어 로에
재단이 주관한 영 탤런트 아키텍처 어워드 2018에서 수상했고, 최근 벨기에 브뤼셀의 보자르 종합예술센터에서 발표되었다.
Heo Sungbum graduated from the School of Architecture at Hanyang University and studied in Lucerne, Switzerland. He worked at
Schmid Schnebli Architekten in Zurich and Jae Kim Architects & Researchers in Seoul. He continues his professional career at
Mcmullan Studio in London. His thesis ‘Urban Safari’ was awarded at the Young Talent Architecture Award 2018, organised by
Fundacio Mies van der Rohe and recently announced at the BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels, Belgium.
not as mimicry of nature. The scene from
the inside is no longer dependent on the
city. The Pavilion, which has become its
own unique scenery, functions in the milieu
of a context. Unless the scenery inside
is separated from its surroundings, the
Pavilion is no longer an object belonging
to the museum. This pile of rocks is more
than a simple shelter and exists as a part of
©Iwan Baan
4.Sebastian Jordahn, ‘Serpentine Pavilion designed to be
“part of surrounding landscape” says Junya Ishigami’,
Dezeen, 2019.