Min Workshop has undergone some changes in its approach to
the work’s purpose and scale, and now begins to have an interest
in materialising architecture of a more primitive style: a simple,
clear and open space that is not divided by partitions; a form that
is easy and intuitive, informed by the use of a single material;
architectural deception that exposes and hides the framework
of structure and space; expressing the genuine existence of
architecture regardless of its purpose for use. I believe that these
architectural attempts could develop an architecture that will be
far better remembered and experienced.
민우식은 건축가이자 디자이너로 2011년 서촌에 민워크샵이라는 건축공방을
설립했다. 대량생산과 첨단기술이 넘나드는 시대에 작은 건축에 집중하며
수공예정신을 잃지 않고자 하는 목표를 갖고 있다. 주요 프로젝트로는 오목한
집, 둥근 지붕 집, 두라스택 본사, 카페 톤 등이 있다. 건축, 인테리어디자인, 가구
디자인, 설치미술 등 다양한 분야에서 실험을 현실화하는 데 주력하고 있다.
Min Woosik, an architect and designer, established the Seochon-based
architecture workshop Min Workshop in 2011. In an age defined by mass
production and high technology, he continues to focus on small architecture
and aims to uphold contemporary craftsmanship. His major projects include
Concave Lens, Vault House, Durastack Headquarters, and Café TONN. He
concentrates his efforts on conducting experiments across diverse fields, such as
architecture, interior design, furniture design, and installation art.
Min Workshop has undergone some changes in its approach to
the work’s purpose and scale, and now begins to have an interest
in materialising architecture of a more primitive style: a simple,
clear and open space that is not divided by partitions; a form that
is easy and intuitive, informed by the use of a single material;
architectural deception that exposes and hides the framework
of structure and space; expressing the genuine existence of
architecture regardless of its purpose for use. I believe that these
architectural attempts could develop an architecture that will be
far better remembered and experienced.
민우식은 건축가이자 디자이너로 2011년 서촌에 민워크샵이라는 건축공방을
설립했다. 대량생산과 첨단기술이 넘나드는 시대에 작은 건축에 집중하며
수공예정신을 잃지 않고자 하는 목표를 갖고 있다. 주요 프로젝트로는 오목한
집, 둥근 지붕 집, 두라스택 본사, 카페 톤 등이 있다. 건축, 인테리어디자인, 가구
디자인, 설치미술 등 다양한 분야에서 실험을 현실화하는 데 주력하고 있다.
Min Woosik, an architect and designer, established the Seochon-based
architecture workshop Min Workshop in 2011. In an age defined by mass
production and high technology, he continues to focus on small architecture
and aims to uphold contemporary craftsmanship. His major projects include
Concave Lens, Vault House, Durastack Headquarters, and Café TONN. He
concentrates his efforts on conducting experiments across diverse fields, such as
architecture, interior design, furniture design, and installation art.