Space - 08.2019

(singke) #1

임성훈은 「건축평단」과 공정건축연대에서 활동하고 있으며, 부산 지역을 중심으로 설계공모와 공공건축 개선을 위해 노력하고 있다.
Lim Sunghun is building his career through Architectural Critics Association and Solidity for Architectural Fairness. Based in Busan,
Lim strives to improve architectural design competitions and public building projects.


임성훈은 「건축평단」과 공정건축연대에서 활동하고 있으며, 부산 지역을 중심으로 설계공모와 공공건축 개선을 위해 노력하고 있다.

Lim Sunghun is building his career through Architectural Critics Association and Solidity for Architectural Fairness. Based in Busan,
Lim strives to improve architectural design competitions and public building projects.

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