Barron\'s - 02.09.2019

(Axel Boer) #1

September 2, 2019 BARRON’S 21

Photograph by Theo Stroomer

Mutual Funds

required to generate eight new ideas a

year. That enables them to dig deeply

into their research.

Hinmon, who is also chief investment

officer of Motley Fool Asset Manage-

ment, or MFAM, has a more conven-

tional résumé. He began his career in

2003 as an analyst for three separate

money-management businesses run out

of the same office in Naples, Fla. One

was a wealth management firm where

some client portfolios had holdings for

20 or 25 years; another was a private-

equity firm that often invested in small

businesses. This taught Hinmon that

“the numbers don’t always tell you ev-

erything. You’re making bets on people

and on strategy.” He ran a hedge fund

during the financial crisis, from 2007

until 2010, where he learned the distinc-

tion between poorly run companies and

years, its 8.6% annualized return has

beaten 88% of its peers in Morning-

star’s World Large Stock fund cate-

gory; over the past decade, 92%.

But how do you find companies in a

universe of thousands of stocks, without

using screens? Hinmon’s solution is his

diverse staff—six analysts and co-man-

ager Anthony Arsta, who don’t all come

from the financial world. “My team has

educational backgrounds in pharmacol-

ogy, mechanical engineering, education,

law, banking, computer science, and

then finance,” he says. “The intersec-

tion and interaction of those back-

grounds really lead us to a place where

we achieve unique insights.”

Hinmon employs a concentrated

strategy; the $487 million fund owns 40

to 50 stocks and holds them for several

years. The eight team members are










who consider themselves hands-on,

“kick the tires” types, usually start

with a computerized quantitative screen

of their entire stock universe to narrow

down potential investment candidates.

Not Bryan Hinmon. “If we started from

a quantitative place, we’d end up in the

same place as everyone else,” the man-

ager of the MFAM Global Opportuni-

ties fund says. “We’re interested in

running portfolios that have a chance of


Hinmon’s logic makes sense: If you

want to beat the market and competi-

tors, you have to discover the unique

qualitative advantages in companies

that a quant screen or a factor-based

fund can’t detect. MFAM Global Oppor-

tunities (ticker: FOOLX) has benefited

by this approach. Over the past five

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