Horse & Rider USA – September 2019

(sharon) #1

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your control isn’t the
only benefit of this exer-
cise. Faithfully practicing
it will also improve your
horsemanship. You’ll be
forced to think in the
saddle, processing more
quickly what you need
to do in order to make
the transition happen at
the cone.
Obviously, this exercise
will also sharpen your
horse’s responsiveness.
He’ll learn that when you
say “now,” you really do
mean now. And the cone
patterns that involve
turning will tune up your
horse’s steering, as well.

Master precise tran-
sitions and you’ll
become a more confi-
dent, effective rider.

­Confidence on a horse
is all about feeling in con-
trol. When you can trust
that you direct when and
where and how fast your
horse moves, and that you
can transition downward
anytime you choose, you
can feel like a confident,
effective rider.
Unfortunately, it’s easy
for us to fool ourselves on
this point. We can assume
that we are controlling
our horse quite precisely,
but if we’re not actually
measuring our results, we
don’t really know whether
we are or not.
This exercise answers
that question for you. It
makes use of cones to
mark exactly where your
transitions must occur.
With a clear visual target
to gauge by, you can learn
whether or not you’re
nailing your transitions
and, if not, use the cones
to refine your cueing and
improve your control.

Benefits Galore

Boosting your confi-
dence by fine-tuning


Precisely Confident


Finally, this exercise
in all its variations is just
plain fun. It’s like a game
that blasts boredom out
of your practice sessions.
Add another rider, and it
can become an entertain-
ing competition.

Setting It Up

You’ll need four plastic
training cones (more if
you want to ride several
patterns consecutively)
and a safe area with good
footing in which to set
them up.
Arrange the cones

in one or more of the
patterns shown, placing
them at least 75 feet
apart to start. (As you
and your horse become
more proficient, you can
increase the challenge by
placing the cones a bit
closer together.)

The Straight Line

We’ll start with the
straight-line pattern.
Warm your horse up
as you normally would,
then plan exactly what
you intend to do at each
cone. For example, you


Learning to make transitions precisely at the marker—that is, when your horse’s shoulder is directly across
from it—will increase the control you have over your horse and make you a more confident, effective rider.
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