
(Joyce) #1
May Ease COPD

Steroid-based medica-
tions such as predni-
sone or fluticasone
are sometimes used
to treat flare-ups or
frequent exacerbations
of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease
(COPD), an inflamma-
tory lung condition
that causes shortness
of breath. But some
steroid treatments
can also lead to low
testosterone in men,
which in turn can lead
to extreme fatigue,
reduced sex drive,
and loss of bone mass.
Researchers who ana-
lyzed data from more
than 700 men with
COPD found that those
who started testoster-
one replacement
therapy (TRT) were
less likely to be hospi-
talized for respiratory
problems than those
who didn’t; this effect
was greatest in men
66 and older. TRT may
also slow the progres-
sion of the disease.




Managing celiac dis-
ease usually requires
ingesting ten milli-
grams or less of gluten
per day, but this is eas-
ier said than done, ac-
cording to a recent
study. The stool and
urine of people trying
to follow a gluten-free
diet revealed that they
were being exposed to
an estimated average of
150 to 400 milligrams
per day. Lesser-known
sources include certain
medications, sauces,
lipsticks, condiments,
and vitamins. Read in-
gredient lists carefully
for words that may sig-
nal gluten, including
triticale, hydrolyzed
wheat protein, malt,
and seitan.

Smartphone Apps
Help Depression

An analysis of 22 smart-
phone apps for mental
health found that, over-
all, they reduced mild
to moderate depression
symptoms significantly.
The most effective ones
(such as SuperBetter)
didn’t require separate
in-person feedback
from a therapist.

Trust Could
Prolong Your Life

A new study, based
on surveys of more
than 25,000 Americans,
shows that people who
generally trust other
people tend to live an
average of ten months
longer than distrusters.
Plus, those who lived
among a relatively
large proportion of
distrusters had a higher
risk of dying than those
who lived in more
trustful communities.
One explanation:
Trusters likely have
better social support
and less stress.

Reader’s Digest News from the World of Medicine

36 march 2019 |









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