
(Joyce) #1
Stop Businesses
from Spying on You
privacy You may know
that companies use
“cookies” to track your
online behavior and show
you customized ads.
You might also like to
know that you can stop
at least some of those
companies from spying
on you by going to
Click on the Consumer
Opt-Out button, and
follow the prompts.

Don’t Use Dish
Soap on Your
auto Is your car’s
exterior fading? You
might be washing it
with the wrong soap.
Though many people use
dish soap on their cars,
it can strip out the waxes,
oils, and resins that
protect the paint from
UV light. Better to invest
in authentic car wash
soap, which is designed
to get rid of dirt and
grease without removing
the surface waxes and
oils from the paint.

Avoid Dry Eyes
health Decongestants decrease mucus
production to help a runny nose, but there’s
also a mucus layer in the “tear film” of your
eyes. That means drying out your nose can
lead to dry or itchy eyes, says Ray Chan, MD,
an ophthalmologist at Texas Health Arling-
ton Memorial Hospital. If your eyes itch
more than usual while you’re taking a cold
or allergy medication, try a different one.

Remember More of What You Read
learning With so much information available online,
it’s easy to pick up a few new facts each day. But how
many of them do you remember? If your answer is “not
many,” consider converting your Internet browser’s
font to Sans Forgetica. This new typeface is just hard
enough to read that it prompts your brain to engage in
deeper processing, and that, according to researchers
at RMIT University in Australia, can help you remember
more. Download it at

52 march 2019

Reader’s Digest We Found a Fix







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