Brides USA

(Grace) #1

These days, cleanses come in a lot of forms,

from liquid-only fasts to “clean” eating plans that

cut out inflammatory foods like sugar, alcohol, and

dairy. What ties them all together is that they’re

meant to remove impurities from your body and

help you shed pounds. But before you break out

that juicer (or order your wedding gown a size too

small), know this: You may drop weight, but it’s

usually temporary. Instead, think of cleanses as a

jump start to a healthier diet. “People often come

off a cleanse appreciating the feeling and wanting

to continue to eat healthier, and it can improve

your energy, skin, and sleep,” says New York City

nutritionist KERI GLASSMAN. “But I would

be wary of anything that requires you to invest a

lot of money or eat no solid food for a week.” We

know you’re curious, though. We were too. So Brides

put six of them—from the less-intense solid-

food variety to the seriously-don’t-try-this-without-

talking-to-your-doctor options—to the test.




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