The Woodworker & Woodturner – September 2019

(singke) #1 September 2019 The Woodworker & Good Woodworking 87

Fig.2 Oval tapas tray dimensions

the handle brackets can now be finished flush
to the tray.
Three coats of food-safe finishing oil, applied
24 hours apart and rubbed down between each
coat, produces a pleasing finish – and, in this case,
a smiley wife! Dishes are of course optional. The
addition of small feet can also help to give the
tray a lift and emphasise its elegant shape.

Dishes available from:
Cooking Fantastic at The Cud Life
Tel: 01423 565 855

There are many options for handles, but if
using tubing, cut to length to fit just within the
outside width of the handle brackets. Turned
’T’ shaped plugs fit inside the tubing with the
plug tops coming up snug against the outside
of the handle brackets. These can then be
fixed in place using epoxy resin.

An oval tray, using Fig.2, offers an interesting
variation. The one shown is made from American
white ash with sycamore handle brackets and
African blackwood ’T’ plugs.

Handle brackets
As before, use a template for the basic shape
and for the handle brackets. The handle brackets
are also slightly thinner at 6mm, which facilitates
easier fitting around the gentle curves. Careful
positioning of the clamps is needed to achieve
perfectly equal spaces for the handles. A trial
dry fitting establishes the correct placements.
Make pencil marks where the handle brackets
part company with the curve of the tray and with
the cramps removed, round over the open ends
of the tray up to the pencil marks before gluing
the handle brackets in place. The central part of
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