The Knitter – August 2019

(Nandana) #1
Twisted stitch motifs
appear on the upper
back and front

Work 1 WS row.
Dec row (RS) K 1, K 2 to g, work to l a s t 3 s t s,
SSK, K1. 2 sts dec’d.
Rep dec row every RS row 3 ( 4 :4: 5 :7) more
84 ( 90 :98: 104 :110) sts.
Work even through Row 96 of chart.
Armhole meas about 17 ( 18 :19: 20 :22) cm.

Note: Shoulders and neck are shaped
simultaneously; read the foll section all
the way through before proceeding.
M a rk c e nt re 24 ( 24 :24: 30 :30) sts.
Shape shoulders as foll:
Cast off 3 ( 4 :5: 5 :7) sts at beg of next 2 ( 4 :4: 4 :2)
rows, then cast off 4 ( 5 :6: 6 :6) sts at beg of
foll 6 ( 4 :4: 4 :6) rows.
AT THE SAME TIME, shape neck as foll:
Cast off centre 24 ( 24 :24: 30 :30) sts,
re m ov i n g mrk , t h e n , at e a c h n e c k e d ge,
cast off 5 sts 3 times. No sts rem.

Work as for Back through Row 74 of chart.
84 ( 90 :98: 104 :110) sts.

Armhole meas about 10 ( 11 :13: 14 :15) cm.

Note: Both sides of neck shaping are
worked simultaneously, each with its own
ball of yarn; a semicolon between pattern
instructions separates the two sides.
M a rk c e nt re 2 2 ( 22 :22: 28 :28) sts.
Next row (RS): Work to mrk , j oi n n e w ya r n
and cast off centre 22 ( 22 :22: 28 :28) sts,
re m ov i n g mrk , work to e n d.
31 ( 34 :38: 38 :41) sts rem each side.
At each neck edge, cast off 4 sts once,
then cast off 3 sts once.
24 ( 27 :31: 31 :34) sts rem each side.
Work 1 WS row.
Next row (RS): Work to 5 sts before neck
edge, (SSK) 2 times, K1; K1, (K2tog) 2 times,
work to end.
22 ( 25 :29: 29 :32) sts rem each side.
Work 1 WS row.
Dec row (RS): Work to 3 sts before neck
edge, SSK, K1; K1, K2tog, work to end.
1 st dec’d at each neck edge.
Rep dec row every RS row 6 more times.
15 ( 18 :22: 22 :25) sts rem each side.

Work 1 WS row (Row 9 6 of c h a r t).

Cast off 3 ( 4 :5: 5 :7) sts at beg of next 2 ( 4 :4: 4 :2)
rows, then cast off 4 ( 5 :6: 6 :6) sts at beg of
foll 6 ( 4 :4: 4 :6) rows. No sts rem.

Using 3.25mm straight needles and using
the Alternating Cable method, cast on
66 ( 70 :74: 78 :82) sts.
Next row (RS): *K1, P1; rep from * to end.
Work in K2, P2 Rib until piece meas 5cm
f rom c a s t- on , e n d i n g w it h a WS row.

Change to 3.75mm needles and st st.
Next row (RS): (K4, K 2 to g) 9 ( 10 :11: 12 :13)
times, K12 ( 10 :8: 6 :4).
57 ( 60 :63: 66 :69) sts.
Work 5 rows even, ending with a WS row.
Inc row (RS): K4, M1L, knit to last 4 sts,
M1R, K4. 2 sts inc’d.
Rep inc row every 6th row 4 more times.
67 ( 70 :73: 76 :79) sts.
Work even until piece meas 15cm from
cast-on, ending with a WS row.

Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows, then
cast off 2 sts at beg of foll 2 rows.
57 ( 60 :63: 66 :69) sts.
Dec row (RS): K4, K 2 to g, k n it to l a s t 6 s t s,
SSK, K4. 2 sts dec’d.
Rep dec row every RS row once more, then
every 4th row 7 ( 8 :9: 10 :11) times, then
every RS row 2 times. 35 ( 36 :37: 38 :39) sts.
Work 1 WS row.
Cast off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows, then
cast off 3 sts at beg of foll 2 rows, then
cast off 4 sts at beg of foll 2 rows.
17 ( 18 :19: 20 :21) sts.
Cast off all sts.

Weave in ends. Block pieces to
measurements, following any yarn care
instructions on the ball band.
Sew shoulder seams. Sew in sleeves.
Sew sleeve and side seams.

Using 3.25mm circular needles and with
RS facing, beg at right shoulder, pick up
and knit 124 ( 124 :124: 136 :136) sts evenly
spaced around neck edge.
P m a n d j oi n to work i n t h e r n d.
Work in K2, P2 rib for 22cm.
Work in K1, P1 rib for 1 rnd.
Using the tubular method (see Pattern
Notes), cast off all sts.

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