Backpacker – September 2019

(Darren Dugan) #1

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“YOU WON’T FINDany social
trails out there,” the driver says,
motioning to the tundra over his
shoulder a s I unload my gea r from the
back of the bus.
That’s why I’m here, I think.
I just spent six hours riding into
Denali National Park and I’m ready
to head into the kind of cha lleng ing
terrain that comes with a warning.
My objective is Peters Glacier, which
winds around the base of Denali’s
Wickersham Wall. Rising 14,000
feet, the wall is the second-tallest
unbroken mountain face in the world,
and my 22-mile route to it passes
through areas of Denali that the
guidebooks never mention.

Mist clings to the McKinley River
in the morning, and though Denali
is nowhere in sight, I can still feel its
pull. I inf late my packraft and push
off into the water, heading swiftly
downstream for 7 miles to the conf lu-
ence with the Muddy River, where I
paddle ashore. That’s when the rain
starts. I huddle in my tent until night
falls and all those dreary thoughts
seep in: What if I’ve come all the way
out here and never even see the wall?
Dawn arrives with a new sense of
hope. Clouds still stick to the Alaska
Range, but the sun is quickly burn-
ing them off and revealing dazzlingly
bright new snow on the foothills in
the distance.

With my gea r dr y ing in the sun, I
pace around the gravel bar studying
wolf, moose, and caribou tracks as
the fog draws back to reveal a snow-
capped behemoth—17,400-foot Mt.
Foraker. A few minutes pass and
Denali’s North Peak rises above the
clouds, dwarfing Foraker.
I stow my raft and start hiking
along the roiling Muddy River. After
10 miles, a bull moose escorting two
females appears on the opposite side
of the river with Denali towering over
them like a scene from a postcard.
This is wild, unspoiled Alaska, and
I’m getting closer to its heart. That
night, from my ca mp on a spong y bed
of moss and lichen, I see an avalanche



Deepest Denali is big, bold, and
sublime—for those willing to pay the
price of admission. By Steven Miley

The Wickersham
Wall (far right) is
the second-
tallest unbroken
mountain face in
the world.
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