Real Living Australia – September 2019

(Ann) #1

  1. Do you have a morning ritual? “Meditation
    and a drink of warm water with lemon.”

  2. Currently reading? “Becoming Supernatural
    by Joe Dispenza and The Power of Now by
    Eckhart Tolle – for the third time.”

  3. Fave Instagram accounts? “@ateliervime,
    @condenasttraveller, @visualpleasuremag,
    @suitcase and @unenvironment.”

  4. How do you unwind? “I love taking a bath
    and listening to a podcast, or going for a walk.”

  5. Current beauty products on rotation? “I’m
    an advocate of Rationale’s Essential 6 regime.
    It has changed my skin. I love The Beauty Chef
    products, Ayu oils and Le Labo fragrances.”

  6. Biggest career challenge? “Doing too much!
    I find it hard to sit still – I want to keep creating.”

  7. Who inspires you? “My family, people I meet
    and the creatives I work with. And travel. Puglia
    in Italy is my favourite travel destination.”

  8. Where does your entrepreneurial spirit
    come from? “My mother was very artistic and
    my father had his own companies, so I think it
    came from being exposed to that environment.”

  9. What’s next for La Porte Group? “We are
    developing new spaces and concepts, and we
    have an exciting expansion launching in mid
    2020 – a luxury boutique hotel in the Noosa
    Hinterland called Maison La Porte. We hope
    to create a brand that becomes a way of life.”

  10. Best advice you’ve received? “My mother
    gave me the advice to always treat people with
    respect. You never know where that person will
    be one day, or if you might cross paths again.” R

You can find out more about La Porte Space on its website, and follow Hayley’s travels and style
inspiration on her Instagram @hayleybonham

10 questions with Hayley Bonham

FROM FAR LEFT Fresh start Hayley spends each morning on her balcony with her Labrador, Bear, and a
coffee. “No day is the same! Coffee is the only predictable thing in my calendar.” French connection She
was initially drawn to her home’s “French charm”, and uses layers of white, including In Bed linens, to enhance
its ornate details. Natural elements A rattan sideboard from Ha’veli lends a coastal ease to her classic
style. Double duty “Presence is important and I love being part of the energy,” Hayley says of her decision
to work from an office at La Porte Space. “If I need a day with no distractions, I have an office at home.”

real living


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