Living and Loving – September 2019

(Nora) #1

14 | SEPTEMBER 2019 | L&L

Split tasks into
“The urge to nest is often
accompanied by a burst of energy,”
explains Rebecca, “caused by a
natural increase in levels of the
hormone cortisol.” In the later months
of pregnancy, when you’re naturally
slowing down and feeling tired, these
energy bursts can feel very welcome
and a good opportunity to get
things ticked off your list. BuT
listen to your body, as these
energy spurts can leave as
quickly as they arrive, and
powering on through to
finish whatever mission
you’ve started can leave
you feeling exhausted.
“Listen to your body,”
says Rebecca. “If you’re
feeling energetic, pick one
small task to complete, then
see how you feel afterwards.”
So, if the urge to clean out all
your kitchen cupboards strikes,

then empty, clean and re-fill one
cupboard, before deciding if you’ve got
the energy to tackle another. “That’s
much better than emptying the entire
contents of the kitchen cupboards, only
to feel exhausted halfway through,” says
Rebecca. “This way, if you’re feeling
tired, it’s easier to take the time to rest
and hang on for that next energy burst.”

Ask for help
Along with your baby’s arrival, a crazy
belief that you can do everything
yourself often descends. So, use your
nesting instinct to help you learn how
to delegate and get comfortable
with the idea of asking for help. “Just
because something needs doing,
doesn’t mean you have to be the
one to do it,” says Rebecca. “And
being pregnant, especially when
you’re in your third trimester, gives you
the perfect reason to delegate.”
When the urge to vigorously clean
under your bed kicks in, instead of
using the drive to do it yourself, channel
that burst of energy into having the
confidence to ask someone else
to do it for you. You might not think
you’ll feel comfortable asking, but
this energy boost should help you
step outside your comfort zone.
“This instinct is there to help you
get what you need to make sure you
and your baby are looked after, and
it can lead you to feel far more assertive
than normal,” says Rebecca. “Ask for –
and accept – help, and you’ll realise
that even if things are getting ticked
off your to-do list by others, they’re
still getting done, which means
you can get on with the important
task of growing your baby.”
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