blood that spots the nappy. This is
no cause for concern, but simply a
reaction to your hormones from the
time in the womb, and will soon pass.
Babies’ nails grow rapidly
and need regular attention. If your
baby was born after her due date, her
nails might be quite long and sharp.
Keeping them short helps prevent her
from scratching her face, which is
common in small babies. Scratches
to your baby’s face from long, sharp
nails fortunately heal quickly due to
the excellent blood supply to the face.
The best way to trim nails is to use a
little emery board. A nail clipper is
better and safer to use than scissors.
Try cutting your baby’s nails when she’s
alseep – just a few fingers at a time so
as not to disturb her. This avoids the risk
of cutting a finger. Some moms chew
the nails off, but this could tear the nail
to the quick and is not advisable.
Hiccups in newborn babies
occur when there’s a spasm of the
diaphragm and air is trapped there.
If it occurs regularly, it may indicate
your baby needs the tissue salt remedy
mag phos − especially if your baby
possets milk quite forcefully or seems
to have colic at certain times of the
day. Dissolve one or two tablets in
5ml to 10ml of slightly cooled (still
warm), boiled water and give with a
dropper or medicine dummy before
each feed or when hiccups don’t pass
spontaneously within a reasonable time.
Feeding your baby sometimes
relieves hiccupping, too. Moms
often notice their babies hiccupping
while still in the womb. Taking mag
phos while pregnant can prevent
spasmodic colic after birth.
Hiccups don’t indicate any serious
problem, except in very rare instances
when it’s a constant occurrence
throughout the day and night. »
baby & toddler
L&L | SEPTEMBER 2019 | 27