Let’s Talk in English 大家說英語 – August 2019

(Romina) #1

Conversation B
Taylor: Do you watch TV or use a
computer before bedtime?
James: Of course. Doesn’t everyone?
Taylor: No. The light from the TV or
computer can keep you awake.
James: I know that. I turn them off an
hour or two before I sleep.
Taylor: That’s good. And keep your
bedroom cool, dark and quiet.
You’ll sleep better.
James: Thanks. I’ll try that.


  1. What is Taylor reading on her tablet?

  2. What keeps you awake at night?

Key Words
tired (adj) [taIrd]
Peggy is very tired.
energy (n) [:En-d}i]
Children have a lot of energy.
adult (n) [/:d<lt]
teen [teenager] (n) [tin][:tin;ed}-] 13
bed (n) [bEd]
affect (v) [/:fEkt]
The weather affectedRXUSODQV
tablet (n) [:t,blIt]
awake (adj) [/:wek]
,FRXOGQRWVWD\awake last night.
bedtime (n) [:bEd;taIm]
My bedtime is 11:00.
cool (adj) [kul]
The weather is very cool today.
More Information
stay up (phr v) [ste][<p]
process (v) [:prAsEs]
turn off (phr v) [t=n][Of]
Use It!

  • Go ask the teacher.

  • Go wash your hands.
    Write your own!

If you don’t.. ., you won’t...

  • If you don’t go home now, you won’t get any dinner.

  • If you don’t exercise, you won’t be healthy.
    Write your own!

I turn them off an hour or two before
I sleep.
turn off
turn on
open close

  • Can you turn off the computer and turn on
    the TV?

  • Let’s also turn on the lights and turn off the

Useful Tip

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